Chapter 4: Jealousy

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"Sean? Is that really you?" Asked Elizabeth. "Yeah it's me. I didn't think I'd ever get to see you again." Replied Sean. "Yeah my mother Asmodeus is the Principle of the academy. I had to come back to Hell last month." Said Elizabeth. Elizabeth goes up to Sean and hugs him tightly. "I was so worried I'd never see you again." Said Elizabeth as she starts to cry. "I guess death can't even stop me haha haha" said Sean. Yuuki was starting to get jealous and said, "Why don't you two get a room?". Elizabeth replied, "I don't think my father would be happy with that. I definitely know my mom would." Yuuki says, "Idiot I was being sarcastic, you always take everything literally." Sean interrupts the girls with, "Hey let's calm down before these gets out of hand." Yuuki says, "I challenge you Elizabeth to a battle." Elizabeth replies, "Oh is this for who will have Sean's heart?" As she laughs. Yuuki turns red and says, "Idiot let's go to the stage!".

On the 1st floor room 101 the fighting room, the floor is a sandy brown with a open space. There's a big circle indicating where the fighting zones are. Yuuki and Elizabeth get ready for the mock battle they're about to have. Sean is freaking out because he doesn't know what's going on. "Alright Sean you'll be the judge of this fight." Said Yuuki. "Wha-what why?" Sean Asked. "Just do it." Said Elizabeth. "Alright get ready.... and fight!" Said Sean. A blue Aura surrounded Yuuki that looked like water. A pinkish red aura surrounded Elizabeth that looked like fire. "This isn't going to end well for me I have a feeling." Said Sean. Yuuki and Elizabeth charge at each other and huge blasts comes out of the middle of the stage.

Sean falls over and sees Yuuki has flown back into the wall. Elizabeth is preparing her next attack. Yuuki screams, "Water Dragon Bite." Yuuki charges at Elizabeth and gets a direct hit ripping her clothing. Elizabeth's left boob is exposed and Sean is starting to bleed from his nose. "I have to watch more fights likes this." Said Sean. Elizabeth yells, "That barely hurt, lustful punch!" Elizabeth's fist was surrounded by a fire and Elizabeth was lighting fast. She knocked Yuuki into the ground but Yuuki turned into water. Yuuki standing behind Elizabeth says, "Ah you fell for my water clone again what a shame." Yuuki kicks Elizabeth into the air and flies up to land more punches. Elizabeth starts to block Yuuki's punches and grabs her and says, "Now banishing morning." Elizabeth starts to slowly slam Yuuki to the floor but before Yuuki and Elizabeth hit the floor, Sean's arms get covered with darkness and his armor appears again. Sean rushes in the battle to stop it. "NO ELIZABETH STOP!." Sean Yelled. Elizabeth and Yuuki fall down on Sean.

"Why is it dark all a sudden?" Said Sean. Yuuki screams, "Pervert!" And runs. Elizabeth sits there and says, "Oh you enjoy this, don't you? Let me come by more often to room than." Sean pushes Elizabeth off and turns red. "Wha-wha-what?!" Said Sean. "I'm just joking, or am I?" Elizabeth Replied. "How about you two shower and get dressed. You're going to miss dinner." Sean said. "Oh don't worry I'll cook for Sean." Said Elizabeth then out of nowhere Yuuki says, "I-I'll cook for you to Sean!".

Back in Room 602. Sean is sitting down while Yuuki and Elizabeth are fighting over the stove. Sean worried says, "um girls, you should be more careful or you'l-." Elizabeth turns around and spills Tea on Sean. "Ow Ow Ow, I told you to be careful!" Sean said. "I'm so sorry Sean" Elizabeth replied. Yuuki says, "You can use our shower if you want". "Ah thank you, I'll use that now" said Sean.

Sean takes his clothing off and goes into the shower. The door to bathroom slowly opens and Elizabeth sneaks in. Elizabeth strips down to nothing and gets into the shower with Sean. "What are you doi-" Sean said. Elizabeth covers his mouth and says, "Don't worry I won't do anything rash while Yuuki is on the other side of the door. I just wanted to wash your back for you that's all". Sean allows Elizabeth to wash his back. "Sean are you hurt?" Asked Elizabeth after seeing blood. She turned Sean around and sees Sean has passed out and is bleeding from his nose.

Dinner time Yuuki, Elizabeth and Sean are all sitting at the table. The Table is covered with fried chicken, BBQ pork and pork fried rice. "This looks really good" Sean said. Elizabeth says, "Try the fried chicken I made that." Elizabeth starts to feed Sean the chicken and Yuuki gets jealous. "Ah it tastes really goo-". "Try the BBQ pork I made it." Yuuki says. She feeds Sean the food. "Ah it tastes extremely good! Ow ow ow." Said Sean as Elizabeth pinches his cheek.

Sean starts to head back to his room as he sees a little girl fighting with a wolf. Sean rushes over to the little girl. "Hey are you ok?" Said Sean. The little girl was thrown off guard and the wolf attacked her. Sean rushed over to her. His arms started to become covered with darkness and his armored formed. Blood ran down his right arm and started to form a sword. "I'm going to make you pay for that wolf!" Said Sean. Sean swipes the sword at the wolf and cuts the wolf in half. The sword disappears and Sean blacks out.

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