Chapter 10: The Day Of Peace

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Sean is walking to the Gym to visit Yuuki during her early morning training. Sean opens the door and sees Yuuki in her Gym outfit which is a white shirt with red short shorts. "Wow you look good in anything" said Sean. Yuuki blushes, "Thank you" she replied. "You need any help?" asked Sean. "Yeah can you spot me while I do this" said Yuuki. Yuuki lays down on the bench. Sean sees her benching 450 pounds. Sean thinks to himself, "Holy crap she can bench more than me? Damn I'm really weak. Better not piss her off". Sean looks depressed and Yuuki says, "Alright ready?". Sean replies, "yeah I'm ready". Yuuki starts to lower the bar and raise it. Sean's wander to Yuuki's chest. Yuuki realizes it and sets the bar on the rest and gets up. "You like what you see?" said Yuuki. "What? Oh yeah I do. I mean I'm sorry!" said Sean as he grovels at Yuuki's feet. "You're lucky I like you" said Yuuki. Yuuki puts her hand on Sean's chin, and they both get up then get closer. Yuuki is holding Sean close. Sean's heart is beating extremely fast. Sean thinks to himself, "I feel her nipples, I mean her heart beat. Could it be I'm actually falling for her?". Yuuki gets closer to Sean's face. "Wasn't there something you had to ask me?" said Yuuki. "Oh yeah would you like to join my club?" said Sean. Yuuki says quickly, "yes! Wait a Club?". Yuuki gets depressed. "Yeah it's to protect this school. You're extremely strong and I'd love to have you by my side" said Sean. Yuuki blushes, "I'll join, be careful about how you say things. You don't get how valuable certain phrases can be to a girl" said Yuuki.

Sean heads up to Elizabeth's room. Sean knocks on the door. "Elizabeth it's me Sean. I have a question for you" said Sean. Elizabeth gets up and panics to get her clothing on. "Oh my god, is he going to ask me to be his girlfriend" said Elizabeth. Elizabeth trips and makes a loud noise. Sean opens the door to see Elizabeth and her panties. "Oh, um. Glad you're okay" said Sean. Elizabeth blushes and gets up. "You damn pervert" said Elizabeth. "So do you want to join my club? It's to protect the school" said Sean. "Sure but I" replied Elizabeth. "Um what is that?" said Sean nervously. "I want you to kiss me and feel me up. I've been very lonely as of lately" said Elizabeth. "I'll do it with pride" said Sean saluting. Elizabeth pushes Sean on her bed and gets on top of him.

Elizabeth leans towards Sean's face and kisses him. Sean starts to move his hands to Elizabeth's breasts and thinks, "She said this is ok, so it alright". Elizabeth says, "Just take me right now Sean. I love you. I always have even on earth." Sean smiles and says "I always had loved you since the first time I saw you walk down that hallway" said Sean. "We both are inexperienced. I know you've watched enough porn to know how to do it" said Elizabeth. Elizabeth takes her shirt off along with her panties. When she's about to remove Sean's clothing, Shiro comes through the door. "Big brother! I got worried something bad happened to you" said Shiro. Elizabeth looks at Shiro and says, "really? You gotta ruin a good part? Then again this wouldn't be allowed. Gotta keep that line". Elizabeth gets off of Sean and puts her clothing back on. Sean gets up and Shiro says, "I heard you have a club. Can I join?". Sean says, "yes but you need to be careful. I can't lose you ever" as he hugs Shiro. "You alright brother?" said Shiro. Sean crying says, "Yeah I'm fine I just got so worried I lost you". Shiro says, "Don't worry. We'll never be separated". Sean let's go and says, "now to get Aqua and Zara on board with the club". Sean leaves to go to Zara's office.

Sean arrives at Zara's office. He hears Aqua in the office talking to Zara. "Now Aqua. I heard you've been causing Sean trouble. You need to stop that" said Zara. "I know I have. I've always watched over him when he was on Earth. He was such a nice guy. I don't want to lose him to the other girls" replied Aqua. "Well give him some distance then. If you keep clinging on him, you'll make him run away" said Zara. "Will do. Thank you for the advice. I'll try to be better" said Aqua. Sean knocks on the door. "Come in!" said Zara. Sean opens the door and Aqua blushes and turns away. "Oh hello Sean. You didn't hear anything when you were at the door?" said Zara. Zara looks at Sean. "Oh. No I didn't hear anything. I just got to door. Why what did I miss?" replied Sean. "Oh nothing" said Zara. "Ok good. Well I have a question for both of you. Would you like to join my club to protect the school?" said Sean. "I'll pass for now" said Aqua as she gets up to leave. "Damn. I really wanted you to join but okay maybe later on" said Sean. Aqua has left and closed the door behind her. "I can't join. I can risk exposing my true self. I hope you understand Sean" said Zara. "Yeah I do" replied Sean. "So you're going after Kazuto?" said Zara. "Yes. He's a threat to Shiro. He hurt her. I'm going to make him pay for what he did" said Sean. "Good, remember what I taught you. Go and make this school safe again" said Zara.

At Sean's room. Elizabeth, Yuuki, Shiro, Sean and Rito are sitting at the table. "Wait why am I dragged into this?" said Rito. "Because you're my brother" said Yuuki. "Alright we need to think of a name for the club" said Sean. "How about The Dark Bloods Club?" said Shiro. "I personally like Sean and his 4 companions. Trust me I wasn't thinking Sean and the titty bunch" said Sean. "Alright is The Dark Bloods Club it is" said Elizabeth. "Hey it was just a joke. See look the camera is right ther-" said Sean and Yuuki smacks him. "Get it together" said Yuuki. "Right, so we need to make a plan go get to Kazuto's house south of this school" said Sean. "Isn't there a forest there?" said Rito. "Yeah there is. Let's make teams if we get into trouble" said Shiro. "Alright Shiro and me. Yuuki, Elizabeth and Rito" said Sean. "I'm fine with that" said Yuuki.

The group heads into the forest. "Alright guys lets make it back alive" said Sean. They head to an open area and a huge spider comes out of nowhere. "Rito and your group go left and get its legs off. Shiro take its right legs off. I'll take it's head" said Sean. Rito and Yuuki take the left legs off and Elizabeth kicks the spider down. Shiro claws off the right side legs off in one swipe. Sean summons a sword from darkness and cuts the spider in half. "Good work. Expect more traps like that guys" said Sean. They head further into the forest when randomly a bunch of explosives go off making Rito and his group get separated from Sean and Shiro. "Meet at the point. Good luck out there!" said Rito. Rito Yuuki and Elizabeth run into a dragon. "Alright Yuuki draw its attention and I'll summon my sword to cut its wings off. After I do that. Elizabeth finish it off by cutting its head off. It can't hurt us if it's dead" said Rito. Yuuki summons a sword of water and jumps at the dragon but the dragon hits Yuuki. "Yuuki?! Are you alright?!" said Rito. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm going to make it pay though" said Yuuki. She jumps up and cuts the Dragons wings off along with its arms. Rito and Elizabeth jump to cut the dragon's head off but the dragon breathes fire. Rito and Elizabeth jump back. Rito goes right and Elizabeth goes left. They jump up and slash. The dragon falls to the floor and it's head rolls off. "Good work everyone. Let's continue forward" said Rito.

Rito and his group reach a house. "Glad to see you made it" said Kazuto. Yuuki powers up and water wings appear from her back. Yuuki summons a spear from water. "Come forth Hunter" said Yuuki. Yuuki jumps at Kazuto. Kazuto to moves to the side and deflects the hit. The house behind him gets destroyed by Yuuki's deflected attack. "Now now. Is that anyone way to say hello" said Kazuto. Kazuto kicks Yuuki back. Rito summons an armor of water and a sword from water. "Come forth repenter" said Rito. Rito jumps at Kazuto. "You bastard how dare you hurt my sister?" said Rito. Kazuto lets Rito hit him and hold the sword. "Now using weapons on me Kazuto like that? Pathetic. Where's Sean? I want a real fight" said Kazuto. Kazuto breaks Rito's sword and puts his hand through Rito's chest. Kazuto throws Rito's dead body to the side. Yuuki gets extremely mad and swings about Kazuto. "How dare you kill my brother?!" says Yuuki. Elizabeth puts her gloves on and powers up. A pink aura comes around her, and she launches at Kazuto. She makes contact with Kazuto's face. Kazuto goes flying and Yuuki flies over to stab him. Yuuki picks Kazuto up with her spear and Kazuto grabs a hold of the spear. "You think... this will stop me Kazuto?" said Kazuto. Kazuto picks himself off the spear and kicks Yuuki to the floor. Elizabeth jumps at Kazuto and Kazuto moves and kicks her to floor. "Restraint, come forth blood cage" Kazuto says. The blood from Rito's dead body surrounds the girls and forms a cage. "Now we wait for Sean" said Kazuto.
Shiro and Sean see the house. They hear a big boom and the house collapse. "Shiro we need to hurry" said Sean. Sean and Shiro arrive, and they see Rito's dead body and the girls in a cage. "Good to see you made it" said Kazuto. "Why are you keeping them in a cage? What did you do to them?" said Sean. "Don't worry. I'll leave the sexual stuff to you. If you can live through this battle with me Kazuto" said Kazuto. "You let them go now!" said Sean. "Defeat me in battle and I Kazuto will let them go" said Kazuto. "What did you do to Rito?" said Sean. "I gave him an honorable death. He died protecting his sister" said Kazuto. Shiro starts to get angry. The ground around her starts to shake. "You monster. I'll make you pay for what you did. You killed my family and now you killed one of my friends" said Shiro. Shiro's claws get longer and Shiro gets into her fighting position.

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