Chapter 7: The Red Eyes Marks War

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"Mother, what are you doing here?" Asked Elizabeth. "I'm here to see who's the boy you are drooling all over for." Replied Asmodeus. "What?" Said Sean. Asmodeus goes to Sean and holds his face. "My my my, my daughter does have good taste in men. Elizabeth you better be careful because I just might steal him away from you haha haha". Said Asmodeus. "Anyways you girls need to be careful, you will end killing poor Sean in the process of your fight. Now what would you do if you all lost him?" Asmodeus Said teacher like. "You know she is right. I care about you and Yuuki." Said Sean. "Hey what about me?" Asked Aqua. "Look don't get me wrong. You have a killer rack and a wonderful face but you kind of scare me. I thought you were going to kill me. Maybe if I knew longer I'd finally care but you kinda put me off." Said Sean. Sean thinks to himself, "Maybe If I got to feel her boobs more I'd fall heads over heels for her. I JUST WANNA FEEL ON SOME BOOBS". "But but I let you feel me up" Said Aqua. Yuuki and Elizabeth looked at Sean with anger. "Oh crap" Said Sean. "Well I'm going to leave here, good luck Sean. Come to my office later on" said Asmodeus. Yuuki and Elizabeth beat up Sean over being jealous.

Sean is in Asmodeus's office. "Well Mr. Tohjo or Sean. You have a very important role in this academy and the world. I'm pretty sure Mr. Zara told you about that. Anyways you hold a very strong power. I've been keeping a close eye on you. You can have all 3 of girls if you want. You just need to get heaven to be at peace. Your Darkness Armor is the key to peace. It was given once before to our great king Lucifer, but he was sealed away and the Armor has never shown up ever since. His father gave him the armor, so he can keep the hell under control. The whole Lucifer hating God is just a myth. Michael is the one that tried to kill Lucifer many times but Eve sealed him away and got her place in heaven, even though she killed an archangel. She's definitely stronger than people give her credit for. You'll have to defeat her at some point. So get up with your training" Said Asmodeus. "Well that's a lot to take in. Tell me something. Will I be able to have a harem of girls and get to see boob as far as my eye can see?" Replied Sean. "Haha haha You will be perfect for my daughter. Yes you will. You sure you aren't some lustful demon I've made by mistake?" Said Asmodeus. "If I was I definitely wouldn't mind. I love my boobs. They are two suns that I can stare at and smile without going blind. They are wonderful pillows and wonderful stress relievers. Sorry I'm very passionate about my love for boobs" Said Sean.
"Well on another note, I need you to make a club. A club so you can have a fire team ready to defend this school. Go ask around and don't name it Oppai love club either. You need all the help you can get". Said Asmodeus. "I wasn't going name it that. Haha haha. She knows me too well but what exactly will the club do and who will be the teacher supervisor?" Replied Sean. "Well Mr. Zara of course. He definitely can help some members get their power under control. As what you'll do. You guys can hang around and train until there's a dangerous situation that happens. You'll be my school strike force basically" Said Asmodeus. "Got you. I guess I'll go recruit some people then. By the way do you know what room Shiro lives in?" Sean Said. "Ah yes, room 502. She lives there alone. Go visit her" Replied Asmodeus.

Sean is walking to room 502 and bumps into a guy that's skinny and 6 feet tall. He has red eyes and silver hair. "Watch where you're going. Kazuto doesn't want to have kill someone because they simply don't know how to walk" Said Kazuto. "I'm sorry didn't see you there" Replied Sean. "You better be. Kazuto is all mighty" Said Kazuto. "Alright dude, drop the all mighty act. You're not going to get laid at all that way. Just advice from a fellow guy" said Sean. "Kazuto has no interest to get lucky with anyone here. Kazuto simply wants to get his main mission done, so he can go home" said Kazuto. "Ok, what ever" replied Sean.

Sean arrives at Shiro's room. "Hey Shiro it's me Sean. I came by to check up on you" said Sean. Shiro opens up the door for Sean. "Ah Brother, it's good to see you again! Let me make you dinner" Shiro said as she hugged Sean. Sean sits at the table as Shiro cooks for him. "So I haven't seen you around lately everything alright?" Sean said. "Well I've been seeing red eyes at night from my window. I feel like someone is always watching me. So I really can't sleep that well" Shiro replied. "Ah that's bad, wait what are you wearing?!" Sean said. Shiro is naked under her apron she's wearing. "I thought you'd like this. Don't worry I won't tell the other girls. I'm not one to ruin my own lead" Shiro said. Shiro starts to crawl towards Sean. "Shir-Shiro what are you doing?" Sean asked. "I just love seeing you panic it's so adorable. Don't worry I won't go over the line. Unless you want me to" replied Shiro. "I'm fine thank you. Anyways, what ever you're making smells really good" Sean said. "Good it's almost done. Let me set the table" said Shiro.

Shiro sets the table and puts down taco meat with tortillas. "Those are my favorite. How did you make them?" asked Sean. "Well Mr. Zara said you loved Tacos, so I got the beef and grounded it up and made my own seasoning based off of what Zara said they tasted like" replied Shiro. "I haven't had these in a long while. Thank you for the food" said Sean. Shiro makes herself a taco and eats it. She gets some meat on her face, so Sean gets a napkin to clean it off her face. "There you go, so tell me about the stalker you have?" Sean said. "Well every time I shut off my lights I see these red eyes near the ground. It makes me feel uneasy and I just can't sleep. Walking to class I always feel someone is following me. I don't really like it because I keep falling asleep in class" said Shiro. "Do you have anyone that would be out to get you?" Sean asked. "Well not anyone that could be down here. There are the eyes right there!" Shiro said. She points at the window and Sean sees. Sean books it out of Shiro's room the area.

As Sean runs to the area he sees Kazuto staring at Shiro's window. "What the hell are you doing here?" said Sean. "Kazuto is simply spying on his prey" said Kazuto. "Leave here now. You leave Shiro alone or else" said Sean. "Is that cat your friend? Kazuto feels bad for you. She's merely a lonely Cat demon that doesn't have any family" said Kazuto. "What are you going on about now?" said Sean. "Do you insist on standing in Kazuto's way?" said Kazuto. "Yes I do. Shiro is like my little sister I never had. If anything happened to her I'd kill who ever hurt her. Don't make me give you a face lift you little bird" said Sean. Shiro runs out and says, "run away Sean. He's too strong. He's a vampire". "Haha It seems Kazuto's identity has come to the surface. Don't worry Sean, since I'm about to kill you. I'll tell you the story of me and Shiro's past" said Kazuto.

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