Chapter 1

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I woke up to the melodic sound of the seagulls heading towards the sea in the horizon.
I opened my eyes and looked for the little clock on the nightstand: 9:30 am. I turned around in bed and found an empty warm space. That was weird. The only person on earth that hated waking up early more than me, was him.
I got up and headed towards the bathroom, my hair was a mess, I brushed my teeth and picked up a white shirt of the floor, he probably had left it there when he came home last night.
I put it on and went downstairs.

The smell of homemade pancakes soon made me realize that I was actually starving. I followed it and got to the kitchen, where I found him wearing nothing but a pair of black Calvin Klein boxers. Woah, now I'm glad I woke up early.
I approached the stove silently, where he was cooking, pan in hand.
He didn't notice me until I put my arms around his chest. He shimmered.
I went on my tiptoes to reach his neck and I gently kissed him.
"Good morning RDJ", he smiled and said in his raspy early voice: "Good morning, babe". He then left the pan on the fire and turned around, he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, our bodies pressing against each other.
He kissed me passionately on the lips.
"Maybe we should get back to bed" I moaned over his mouth.
"Yes, we should". He took me by the thighs and I wrapped them around his hips. He then stopped.
"What?" I asked. "We should have breakfast while the pancakes are still warm" he answered.
"But-" I started complaining, but he put his finger on my lips. "Let's save it for tonight".
"But it's Oscars night and you'll be late because of the after party. I'll be sleeping" I pouted.
Just when he was about to answer, his phone rang. It was lying on the stove and he took it before I could find out who it was. He looked nervous though, but since it was Oscars night I didn't really worry. "I'm sorry, hun" he spoke and picked up the phone.
The smell of pancakes reminded me that I still hadn't had breakfast, so I took a bunch, filled them with Nutella and strawberries and started eating.
He came back a few minutes later and ate the rest of the pancakes.
"What time are the stylists coming over?" I asked to break the ice. "About 1:30 pm".
"And what time are you leaving?" "About 3:00 pm, red carpet starts at 4:00 pm".
"I can't wait to see how handsome you'll look in your suit!" I was really excited. "I hope Andrew Garfield wins". "Yeah, he's the greatest".
I was still a bit upset he didn't want me to show at the Oscars with him but our relationship wasn't really an official thing so it wasn't that much of a big deal to me.
The rest of the morning passed by and I was getting more and more excited. We then put the dishes on the dishwasher. He got up of the table and went to the main-room to get his clothes ready. Meanwhile I was lying on the couch wondering what my fave celebs' outfits would be.
Like half an hour later he wasn't ready yet and the stylists hadn't arrived, so I got up and went to see if he needed anything. "Shall I help you with your tie?" I knew how bad he was at doing up ties.
"Sure babe! But I can't find it, have you seen it around?" I couldn't believe him. "God Downey, tell me you didn't lose the damn tie!" "I can't guarantee that. Mind checking out in the guest room?" I rolled my eyes at him and he smiled suspiciously.
I walked towards the room ready to find that damn tie, but at first sight it wasn't there. It could probably be in the wardrobe. I opened it and found a big black bag. I guessed it was the suit's bag so the tie must have been in it.
Little did I know I would find what I did.

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