Chapter 11

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Of course, it had to be Chris. "What the hell are you doing here", I whispered angrily at him.

His eyes going from my eyes to my tights, while his cheeks were burning red, making me hide behind the door. "What... er... what do you mean? You told me to come over" He mumbled.

"Why on Earth would I do that?!". "Look, I just wanted to apologize" I looked at him , he was obviously uncomfortable. And so was I.

I rolled my eyes softly, "Okay, but do it quickly, if Robert sees you here he'll kill you".

"Actually, I also brought something for him as I figured he wouldn't want to see me". He put his hand in his pocket and grabbed a white envelope. "Wow, an apology letter, that rings a bell, sadly I don't think it'll be of much help. You really pissed him off". I said.

"And you?", he replied. "Me, what?". "Did I piss you off?".

I stared at him, not sure of what to say.

"Well... of course you made me angry. Had I known of your intentions... I would never..." Just as I spoke, I heard Robert's distant voice say. "Babe, what's taking you so long?"

I swore under my breath, but it was too late. A shirtless Robert appeared on the entrance, his hair a completely mess.

He froze as soon as he laid an eye on Chris, the muscles on his face tensed, and his fist tightened. I took his hand and squeezed it, so he calmed down.

"Why are you here?", he asked, anger clearly noticeable in this voice. But before Chris could answer back I replied quickly, "He came to apologize but he was just about to leave!"

He stayed silent for a couple of seconds, before closing the door probably hitting Chris on the face. "Yes, he was"

"Robert!", I yelled, "you probably hit him on the face". He rolled his eyes and said something like "well, he hit on you and I said nothing", through clenched teeth.

"What do you have in here?", he asked. I handed him the letter Chris had given me.

He tore the envelope open and started reading, while I looked at him trying to read his thoughts. Right after his face tensed and he took the letter and broke it there, making me frown. "What did he say?". "Nothing worth commenting. Now let's return to our "meeting"".

As much as I would have liked to, I was turned off. "Robert, seriously I want to know what it says", I said putting his arms away.

"Damn it! Okay, but first let me ask you one thing". He said and his smile was now gone. "Shoot". "Do you have any kind of feelings for him?". I frowned, "for who?".

Robert rolled his eyes and focused his gaze somewhere else, clenching his jaw before replying "for Chris."

I suddenly forgot how to breathe. "What does this have to do with..." I started but he interrupted me. "Just answer, please, I need to know"

I tried to look at him in the eyes but I looked away immediately. I couldn't manage to say a word and after that awkward silence he finally broke the ice. "I guess I can't blame you. I mean, look at him..." He left out a nervous laughter trying his voice cracking. "Robert, I..." I wanted to comfort him, to tell him I loved nobody but him, but words wouldn't come out of my mouth. I was blocked.

"No, really, it's okay, I understand. I guess I should have broken a few of that perfect teeth of his when i had the chance, haha, just kidding."

Still looking at the floor, I felt him leaving the torn letter on the little table next to the door.

Why was I paralyzed? Pissed at myself I dared looking up, he was there standing with that empty smile he wore like an armour everytime he was truly hurt.

I knew him too well, he had even started joking and laughing, emotionlessly and heartbroken. And it was my fault. I had hurt him.

"I think I'm gonna go put a new shirt on, yeah..., I should..." I watched him turn his back.

Eyes fixed at nowhere in particular.

What should I do now?! I totally fucked up. Should I follow him or let him hate me as I deserve?

While I was wandering through the now empty room, trying to find out what I should do, my eyes flew to the little table where the torn letter was, doubting on whether to read it or not.

I was dying to, but I knew Robert would never forgive me if I did.

I stayed there standing, trying to make up my mind, when something caught my view.

Tips and Entrances (Robert Downey Jr)Where stories live. Discover now