Chapter 5

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When I woke up to the light in the morning that entered the wide window, Robert was still sleeping. He was on his belly, head turned towards me. He was naked under the white soft sheet and I couldn't help but look at the hot shape his bo*ty formed under it.
My eyes went back to his face, he was so sweet when he slept. And then he happen to open his mouth and said: "You're staring".
"It's romantic", I replied. "No, it's creepy". He opened his eyes and smiled, gave me a kiss and got up. "I'm going to shower, join me?". With a wide smile on my face I got up all rolled up in the white sheets and ran to join him.
When I entered, the bathroom was already full of water vapor. I saw his silhouette inside the big shower cabin and immediately bit my lip. His long dark hair now wet was falling into his back, while his arms were full of tiny water drops which I wanted to lick so hard I had to grab the doorknob so I wouldn't faint of desire.
"You're staring again, hun" I heard him say in his still raspy morning voice. "And it's still creepy" he laughed as I felt my wetness show. I giggled and smirked to myself as I stepped into the shower. The water falling must have been pretty hot but I almost didn't feel it as it ran down my bare skin, I was so turned on my body temperature must have been pretty high too. I put my arms around him, he still facing the wall, and pressed my body against his back. A feeling of relief overwhelmed me, I hadn't realized I was that eager to touch him again.
I heard him muttering something through the peasant sound of water. "Have you ever done it in the shower?" The question shocked me and he noticed 'cause he turned around. I didn't know if he could see it but I felt my face burning red. "What? Did I make you uncomfortable?" He said while searching my eyes. "No,... it's just...huh... isn't it kind of.... slippery?" I whispered still looking down at my feet. I heard a loud sound, he was laughing so hard I couldn't help but look up. "What?!" I said frowning. The embarrassment I had felt just a few seconds ago seemed to disappear. I loved the sound of his laugh, the one that made you laugh as if it were contagious. I smiled when he stopped, failing at containing myself. "What's so funny?" I asked him trying to sound upset that he had laughed at me. "You, haha, you're funny" he said smirking. And all of a sudden he put his hands on my waist and picked me up,  I placed my legs instinctively on his hips. He passionately kissed my neck as I looked up at the ceiling. "If we fall it'll be your fault. And I plan on landing right on you" I said worried. "If we fall it will just make it more intense" he laughed again. "Lucky your shower is big enough for us to lay down then" I replied in return, laughing too.
Then I went for his mouth, kissing him eagerly, almost biting his lip. He kissed me back while he pressed me against the wall, a little too strong but I didn't care. I felt in my back the cool water drops condensed on the wall, it was a pleasant feeling to fight back the intense heat growing inside me. He really knows how to turn me on.
Suddenly I felt his wet cold lips kissing my neck roughly and passionately, as the desire was getting so big I could feel his legs tensed up and slightly trembling. "What's that, RDJ? Not enough gym?" I said sarcastically. "So, who's making fun of who now?" He replied smirking.
"Besides, we both know what's the best workout ever". He added. "Right, let's workout then".
I moaned into his lips while he pushed his head back while laughing, me taking advantage of that and started biting his neck.
"So, you wanna play babe?", he asked while I nodded my head. He then pulled his hands close to my cheeks so I had a direct view of his hazel eyes.
"I love you", he whispered softly and then kissed my lips so sweetly I would have fell if it wasn't for his fit body pushing mine against the wall.
Back in the bedroom I got dressed with a silvery stay-at-home silk dress and started brushing my wet hair.
After the shower Robert had gone downstairs to prepare breakfast.
I heard a buzzing sound near the bed, Robert's phone ringing on the nightstand, exactly in the same spot he'd left it that night. I looked at the screen and saw who was calling him, and apparently it was someone he had saved by the name of "Dorito".
I let the phone stop buzzing, and went back to untangle my hair. Seconds later, it started ringing again, being it the so called 'Dorito' again.
I hesitated on whether to pick it up or not, but I finally did.
"Hmm, hi?" I said as soon as I unlocked the call. "Downey?" He said clearly confused to hear a female's voice. "He's downstairs right now, I could go get him", I offered.
"Oh, so you're his girl" "I guess you could say that. And who are you, Mr Dorito?". On the other side of the phone I heard him laugh. "Right, of course he saved my contact like that. It's Chris, we had the pleasure to meet yesterday at the Oscars, remember?"
"Of course I do, i could never forget that night" I chuckled quietly, "Anyway what did you want to tell Robert about?"
"Erm, I called to remind him of our Avengers Assemble meeting this afternoon"
"oh right, he told me about it, that he was going to be out for lunch". I said realizing.
"You're invited to join us if you want". "I'd like to but, sadly, i'm not an Avenger" I chuckled.
"Nah, that won't be a problem, Seb is coming too and he's not part of the A team either", he insisted.
There was a bit of silence before I answered, "Okay, i'll tell Robert about it, thank you Chris". To what he answered with a simple "anytime", then there was an awkward silence in which I didn't know what to say and I guess neither did he until he suddenly broke it. "Then, that's it, looking forward to seeing you later, remind Downey about it". "Sure! Bye, Chris", hanging up right after.

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