Chapter 7

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I started dressing up in my room with a smile on my face. I went for a pair of black jeans, the ones Robert wanted to take me off so bad every time I had them on, and a white tight top with no bra under it.
Suddenly I felt something sticky on my back and I had to hold a scream as I heard Rober laughing.
"You scared me" I frowned. "That was the point, love", he then looked me up and down and put a lustful smile on his face. "You're so damn beautiful on those jeans but you would look even better with them on the floor".
"Shit, Downey it's been a couple of hours since we last did it, don't you get exhausted?".
"Not of you and I bet you don't either" he replied.
"Just wait until tonight for God's sake!" I rolled my eyes. "But why not now? It's the same!" he
pouted and sounded so desperate that I couldn't help but laugh at him.
"You are worse than a child, you know?". "Well, at least I'm not the only one playful here, it was a good move you did before. Let me quite... distressed." He smiled and added "oh, by the way, you may die tonight. I don't like losing."
He then headed to the door and I followed him, ready for our afternoon together.

Fifteen minutes of driving later we arrived. It was a calm fancy restaurant and I felt as if ever meal there was worth a kidney. We gave the receptionist our names and she guided us to our table where all the Avengers were awaiting us.
My legs were shaking and Robert took my hand tightly.
The first one to get up and say hi was Chris E. and while I hugged him he kissed my cheek.
"You did came at the end, huh?", he winked. "Yes, someone kind of forced me to", I said while giving Robert a jokingly killing stare.
After that, I hugged Scarlett, being her and Chris the only ones I already knew in person. So now it was time to meet the rest of the A team: Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth and Sebastian Stan; turning out my sitting spot was between this last one and the most known as 'Black Widow'.
After taking a seat next to the romanian god, I quietly whispered to him one of the few words in his mother language that I was able to learn during my short life, "Bună",
"Oh my God, you speak Romanian? Don't ever let her go, Downey!" he shouted, earning a weird look from the rest.
I laughed and replied "Da, and please let's stop now before I make a fool of myself, 'cause that's how far my Romanian gets".
He laughed. "I could teach you some more if Downey lets me", said then winking an eye to him.
"Hey Seb, don't you dare get near my girlfriend" said Robert standing up, and even though he said that with clear irony, my heart melted at the sound of him calling me "his girlfriend", something I wasn't really used to.
I turned red as he laughed and came by to kiss my cheek, making me turn even more red if possible.
Not long after that awkward moment, we all ordered our food and started chatting with each other while we awaited for it to come.
Seb and me got the chance to know a bit more about each other: he told me about his upcoming projects and I told him about my studies, that I've been leaving a bit apart since I started dating Robert; something I wasn't really proud of since my scholarship depended on how good my grades were, and I couldn't really risk it.
Robert had volunteer multiple times on paying for my tuition but I wasn't there for his money.
While I continued chatting with Sebastian, I could feel Chris E.'s constant gaze on me, and to be honest I was starting to feel uncomfortable about it
Just as our orders arrived, Seb's phone started to ring and, after politely apologizing, he got up to answer to it.
I took a look at my not so fancy burger with chips dish and started eating a bunch of them, enjoying every single bite of it when I felt Chris' stare for the second time.
I turned red and swallowed everything I had on my mouth while trying not to choke as I felt him doing his best to try and hold his laugh.
He then got up and quietly took a seat on Seb's spot, since he was still on his phone.
"Hey", he winked, "everything ok?" I laughed. "Yeah, and you?" And just when i thought this moment couldn't get more awkward, the next thing I was seeing was his face approaching mine. I jumped of my chair, scared as f.uck of what just was about to happen.
Was he trying to kiss me?!

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