Chapter 12

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It was a tiny frame with a photograph of us both, hugging and laughing on it.

Then what I just did hit me like a truck. What the f.uck was I doing? If I didn't act quickly I would surely regret it forever.

After calling myself a couple of not so beautiful names, I sighed and then headed to the main room where Robert probably was.

I pushed the door, just to find him sitting on bed, shoulders shaking slightly. He was crying from what I could tell. That absolutely broke my heart. I was a monster for hurting the only man who has ever truly loved me.

I couldn't help but start crying and sobbing too, jumping on bed and wrapping myself around him like a koala.

None of us did a thing for a couple of minutes, but I knew it was my turn to break the ice and fix the mess I had made.

"I'm so sorry Bobby", tears now silently falling down on both of us as I continued speaking. "I totally deserve all the anger and resentment from you and I wouldn't blame you if you asked me to leave your house." I looked at him, trying to make eye contact but his view was nailed to the wall.

"I... I don't know what I can say to fix this, I'm so sorry, this was all a misunderstanding. I don't have any kind of feelings for him nor for any other man. Just you. So please stop acting as if I didn't deserve you"

I stopped to take a breath.  His expression still emotionless.

"I know I'm an as.shole and this surely doesn't justify anything, but you know what?, maybe deep down I'm still the same girl who used to daydream about you knowing about my existence that sometimes I forget that this isn't a dream anymore. This is real life. And I took it for granted". "Just please forgive me for what happened down there. I just want you."

I couldn't stop sobbing at that moment, and I could tell he was trying his best not to do it too.

After a few minutes of silence, I understood he wasn't gonna say anything, so I got up helped with the very few pride I had left, and wiped the tears from my cheeks with the palm of my hands.

I walked towards the door, unsure of where I should go next. But just when I was about to grab the doorknob, I heard his voice. So low and soft I could have just imagined it.

"It's ours, not mine".

I frowned and turned around, he had got up and was walking slowly towards me, his head down to the floor. "What?", I asked, since I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Our house, it's ours not mine. You called it my house before". He was now glancing at me while I was left speechless. I surely didn't expect him saying that out of all the things I've just told him.

Before I could do or say anything, I felt his soft wet lips pressing against mine, sweetly and salty.

I put my head on his shoulder soaking it with my tears, he put his arms around me and I felt so small. Like a little girl who needed shelter because she is afraid of the storm.

And that's exactly what I had felt just a few seconds ago: fear.

My whole world crumbled down when I thought of losing him, maybe I was being selfish, but I could not let that happen. I need him. "I love you Robert, don't ever doubt that".

Tips and Entrances (Robert Downey Jr)Where stories live. Discover now