Chapter 6

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I walked down the stairs to find Robert cooking, so I approached him and kissed his cheek.

"Dorito called", I said while laughing, to what he frowned and kissed me on the lips "Did you pick it up?", he asked.

"I didn't at first but it kept ringing, hope you don't mind" I replied hoping deep down he, indeed, wouldn't mind.

"Lucky it was the Dorito man, and not my girlfriend who was calling. She'd have killed you", he said while trying to hold his laugh. "Oh, so you have a girlfriend, Downey?", i continued playing his game.

"Yes, right in front of me", he smirked and kissed my cheek.

"So, what did he want, anyway?", he frowned while asking. "He asked me to remind you about this afternoon's meeting, and..." I stopped.

"Oh right, I almost forgot about it. And... what?", he inquired looking at me straight in the eye so I could continue what I was about to say. But all I said was "Nothing, that's all"

I didn't want him to feel I was a burden, if he hadn't invited me to go with him he must have had his own reasons. I know I shouldn't be upset, it was just a meeting with his co workers, but I couldn't help feeling a little left-behind.

We had breakfast in a bit of an awkward silence, since I guess he didn't really believe me when I said there was nothing wrong.

We cleaned up and then he headed to his daily gym routine in our first floor, not without asking me first to join him. I obviously refused, as my whole body, especially my feet, were still sore from dancing and wearing heels all night long

Instead I went upstairs to one of the living rooms in the house, sat down on the sofa with a cozy blanket and turned on the TV.

I didn't really know what to watch and after a few minutes of zapping I decided to rewatch one of my fave Game of Thrones episodes, in which Jon Snow is named 'King in the North'.

As soon as the theme song started playing, it gave me goosebumps. Last time I had watched it was in my house with a friend. By that time I hadn't met Robert yet. It felt surprising how much things have changed since then.

I was so excited to see Lyanna Mormont's speech that I didn't even notice when someone entered the living room, standing right behind me.

'I don't care if he's a bastard, Ned Stark's blood runs through his veins...' Lyanna spoke and right after I shouted "he's my king from this day until his last day!" I loved that scene, I'd watched it almost a million times already, so I knew the speech by heart. Preparing myself for the King in the North part I turned up the volume. Little did I know what would happen next.

I felt a warm breath on my neck and right after I heard a voice in my ear whispering "The King in the North". I jumped off the couch immediately and all I could do was fall on my butt and scream "Holly f*ck, Downey!"

"Woah, I didn't know I had such an effect on you" he laughed out loud.

"What's really gonna have an effect is my hand on your freaking face! You almost killed me! And I missed my favourite part because of you" I shouted while he laughed his ass off. "Come on, babe! Let's face it. I have a better butt than that Jon Snow you're always drooling over"

"Maybe, I'll check it afterwards while you're out" I said while throwing a cushion to his face. He dodged it and said. "Unless you want to go with me and the team to get lunch" "Why would I want to..." I started but he cut me off. "Chris phoned again asking if you'd be coming. Wanna tell me anything?"

"Mmmm. Well...when Chris called earlier, he invited me to go out with you guys" I said awkwardly. "Why didn't you tell me about it?!" He said clearly not surprised. "Well, I don't know. Probably because I thought that if you hadn't invited me before, you didn't want me to go". "Babe, if I didn't invite you it's because I thought you'd get bored, not because I don't want to be with you. If it was for me, I'd spend all day next to you". "That sounds like something a psychopath would say, but aww".

He rolled his eyes at me and started taking his clothes off. All sweaty, I couldn't help but look at him eagerly biting my lip. "If you continue looking at me like that, I'm gonna have to make you mine against that f*cking door." "Oh, so you like it rough uh, Mr D?" I said with a smirk. "You know how much I enjoy a good game" he replied looking right into my eyes. "Oh! So now I'm nothing more than a game to you?" Smiling I approached him and, still gazing into his big brown eyes, I pressed my hand hard between his legs. He gave a soft moan in surprise and when he went impatient for my lips I dodged him and said. "Guess you've lost the game, Downey" and while laughing I headed for the door. I could sense him standing in astonishment right where I had left him, clearly turned on. I smiled to myself.

Tips and Entrances (Robert Downey Jr)Where stories live. Discover now