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Trigger warning: Depression

I don't actually have depression; I don't have any of these thoughts, it's just for the story. This is just for the story, since there are theories about Heather Chandler having depression. Nonetheless, enjo!

Heather Chandler.

Heather Chandler was the most popular girl in school, in a popular group with her best friends- The Heathers.

Even though she acted all cocky and powerful and sassy, she was none of those things.
She was sad, alone, depressed.
She couldn't find a reason to live.

Nobody knew she was living an utter lie, to everyone and herself.

That's why what happened later on that day haunted her.

*** *** *** ***

Heather dressed herself in her expensive floral bathrobe. Sure, it was pretty, but she thought it belonged to someone better than her.

She walked into the kitchen, wanting a drink. She took a deep breath.

"Veronica, get me a drink, now!" She screamed.

She had nothing against Veronica, she just had to live up to her 'legacy' as a Heather, everyone knew that.

After a few minutes or so, Veronica came running in with a mug.

"Finally, you're here!" Heather rolled her eyes and laughed.

Veronica shoved the mug into Heather Chandler's hands.

"What was that for?!" Heather demanded.

"No time! Look, JD wants to kill you and fake it as a suicide, he poisoned the mug! Just spill it in the sink and pretend to drink it and die!" Veronica whispered frantically.

Heather nodded, taking a shaky breath and spilling it in the kitchen sink and pretending to take a gulp out of the mug. She gave a blood-curdling scream and fell to the floor, pretending to have died.

JD walked in and looked at Veronica. "Is she dead?"

Veronica nodded, and JD kissed her.

Heather, on the other hand, still pretending to have died, wished she had drank the mug and actually killed herself.

*** *** *** ***

Hola y'all!

This is the beginning of it, hope you enjoyed it! It's short, sorry about that, but don't worry, next chapter will be longer!


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