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Heather was finally happy.

Once they made themselves comfortable on her living room couch, Heather made some grilled cheese and they began studying. Well, you know studying- taking about random things for an hour, then scrolling on social media for 30 minutes, and then looking at the paper in front of you for 15 minutes.

And then you begin studying.

They actually got a lot done- it's amazing what friendship can do.

They got bored in the living room after a while (being tempted to watch TV was the real reason) so they migrated to Heather's room. They studied some more and almost finished the chapter.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Veronica announced, getting up and going.

Heather and McNamara staying talking in the bed. They were having a conversation for about 3 minutes until Veronica cake out of the bathroom with a horrified look on her face.


Heather perked up and gave a confused smile. "Whats up?"

Veronica, eyes seeming shaken and her face pale, held up a red object in her hand.

A bloody razor.

Heather felt time freeze. She cleaned the bathroom, didn't she? She went through the list she thought earlier when they were walking over.

She cleaned the kitchen, living room, the garage, bathroom downstairs, her parent's room, and her roo- oh my god she did forget her own bathroom.

Heather chuckled to ease the tension in the room, with Veronica and McNamara giving her a look of shock.

"Hey guys, I-It's not what it looks like."

But it was. Heather stopped cutting, but when she did it, she never cleaned her razors. Every time she pulled out that razor, she wanted to remind herself of what she had done to herself.

"Heather, this isn't funny." McNamara said, tearing up.

"Heather's right. What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, do you need help?"

Heather felt dizzy. She never meant for this to happen. She never meant for anyone to see that razor. She never meant to expose herself like this.

She never meant to cut, but yet she did.

Heather came back to reality to someone tugging at her jeans.

"What are you doing?!" Heather screamed, confused.

"I'm making sure you're not hurting yourself!" McNamara yelled back, worry intoxicating her tone.

"Well, I'm not!"

"The razor proves otherwise!"

"Well then maybe you should mind your own business!"

"It's my business if one of my friend isn't okay!"

"Alright, ENOUGH!"

Heather and McNamara shut up and slowly turned their heads to look at Veronica who had just screamed.

"This is too much." She said, rubbing her fingers through her hair. "Heather, do you wanna talk about it? If not, that's okay."

Heather shook her head. "No, I don't."

Veronica let out a breath.

"Actually, can you guys leave? I need some space."

Veronica looked back at Heather as she was fiddling with the cuffs of her jeans, looking down at her lap at what seemed to be in shame.

"Alright," Veronica said, "Heather's let's go, leave Heather alone."

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