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Heather watched as all of the color of McNamara's face flushed away and replaced it with a crimson red color.

"N-No! Who said anything about Veronica?!" McNamara squealed.

Heather chucked lightly and smiled at her. "It's okay, you can tell me."

McNamara seemed to be a taken aback from Heather's "sudden nice gesture", but shoved that aside.

"Me and Veronica... like each other. We're dating." McNamara confessed.

Heather smiled hugged her friend, so glad that she made a move, since she never seemed to be so bold enough.

"That's amazing! How'd the school react?"

And for that moment, in a long time, Heather actually felt happy and overjoyed. Maybe ending her leadership as a Heather wouldn't be so horrible after all.

"We're actually not public... it's a secret. God knows what everyone would say." McNamara murmured.

Heather took a deep breath as she took off her red scrunchie and handed it to the girl before her, closing her palm as it was placed there.

"Since I'm ending this, I'd love for you to be there when I say it, and you can take over."

McNamara gasped, looking at the scrunchie, but then realizing something and giving her attention back to Heather.

"What about Duke?"

Duke never cared, she just seeked for what she wanted and took it with no hesitation. She wasn't one to be frightened by anyone's actions, nonetheless their words.

"Duke... doesn't have as much potential as you do." Heather said.

And then the two girls walked out, ready to do what they both dreaded for some time.

*** *** *** ***

Heather and Mcnamara went into the lunchroom, and the commotion still continued. They btoh rolled their eyes, because even this rowdyness annoyed them with a passion. They acted like such animals, most related, dogs. 

"Heather and Heather, finally! Where were you?!"  A familiar voice asked furiously.

They both turned around and saw a face they dreaded. Duke.

"Sorry about this!" Heather said, and got on the table they usually sat on. She almost stepped on Veronica's lunch, who just watched the whole thing.

"Everyone!" Heather announced.

At that moment she said that, everyone shushed, and their attention was on Heather. Like said, they were dogs- feeding off their leader's commands and were savage and wild when on their own wills.

"Now, I know that you all love me and all."

Everyone cheered and hooted at that, making Heather want to roll her eyes so hard she couldn't see anymore. That actually wouldn't be a bad idea.

"But, I'm stepping down."

Everyone then gave a surprised gasp, and started screaming. She even saw a girl pretend to faint, falling onto the dirty floor but not caring. In the corner of the chaotic room she saw JD  with his little smirk as he walked away, his hands in his pocket.

"And am giving my position to Heather Mcnamara!"

And with that, she pulled Mcnamara onto the table with her and showed everyone the scrunchie that was handed to her. Everyone seemed to be frozen, and Heather took those precious moments to get down, take off her heels, and walk off campus, heading home with some weight lifted off her shoulders.

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