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The next day, Heather was scared to go to school.

She had no idea why, she just had that dreading feeling that something wrong was gonna happen.

For example, remember your first time sneaking alcohol from your parent's liquor cabinet, and feeling as if your parents were going to come back to the apartment and open the door on you any minute now?

Yeah, that's what  Heather felt like.

And so, to prevent from going to school, Heather slept fully under the covers all night with on fan on and complained to her dad the next morning that she was feeling sick. And because of the immense heat she was under, her father believed her and let her stay home for today and tomorrow to make sure she had plenty of time to "recover".

And that's where we are today- Heather laid on her couch, in her floral red bathrobe and her hair in a high ponytail and white simple socks as she was flicking through the channels on her TV seeing what was on.

Heather had gotten texts that morning, since it was currently 9:30 am and school started at 8:30 on the dot. 

She got one from McNamara- she was worried about her and asking if she was okay.

She got one from her father- telling her what food was in the fridge and where the pills were.

She got one from Veronica- showing her a cute of picture she took of McNamara and ranting on how cute she was and how she was so lucky to have a girlfriend like her. 

And then she got one from JD- asking her why her presence wasn't at school and if it contained a reason that appealed to him.

Seriously, here it is.

JD: Why aren't you here? If your gone presence contains a reason that appeals to me, I'll find it out and come hunting for you

Heather shuddered as she got that text, and deleted the chat. And right after that she blocked his number, because she was not up for staying up all night just because of getting a spook from something that Jason Dean says.

Heather groaned as she remembered she had to reply to everyone that was concerned for her and had texted her their regards, but just thinking about that ironically gave her a headache and she turned off her phone, as if the light from it was causing it.

Heather spent that morning and some of the afternoon laid in a bath or watching TV. She did enjoy it, but the dreaded feeling still lured. It felt strange, and it was an unnecessary feeling, thought Heather. But whatever it was, she was sure it wasn't anything serious. 

At least she hoped it wasn't serious.

God knows if it was serious or not.

But the answer came to her later that day, when Heather was eating some noodles that were in her fridge from when she had some Chinese takeout. She got a knock on the door and pushed the noodles and walked over to the door, setting her hand on the doorknob and opening the door.

And there, with her hair in it's usual ponytail and her hands sassily laid on her hips, was none other,

than Heather Duke.

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