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JD snickered as he kept his hands in the pocket of his trench coat, and his eyes on Heather like a predator spotting his prey. 

"Greetings and salutations."

"What are you doing here?" Heather asked, walking to the other side of her room and pulling out a knife, all with her eyes on JD the whole time.

"Nothing, sweetheart, just giving a visit." JD gave a sinful grin as he walked around Heather. She stayed perfectly still, knife still in hand.

"Well well well, what were you gonna do now, beauty corpse?" JD spit out the last words disgustingly, and Heather shuddered. He hadn't forgotten.

"I was gonna re-paint my nails, but I guess that's cancelled for now."

JD stopped looping around the girl and just scanned around the room. With each step the threatening boy took, Heather felt herself panic.

Come on, be confident for once. Come on, be confident for once. Do something!

"Leave. Leave now, or I'm calling the cops on you." Heather warned, approaching him as firmly as she could and shoving him towards the open window.

"Now why would you do that? You know perfectly well you wouldn't do that." JD told her.

Before Heather could even say a word of protest, JD took out one of his hands from the trench coat and pulled out a gun. Heather froze and stayed in her place as he pointed it at her. She still had the knife in her hand, but she knew that her throwing it at him wouldn't do as much as him shooting her.

"I won't shoot you... on one favor."

Heather gulped and fought back tears as they tried to fight their way out. "Name it."

"I want your reign of power to be over. You claim yourself not worthy enough to be a Heather. Then we can all live our lives without being trapped by you."

Heather wanted to say something, anything. That was a lie. They weren't the ones being trapped, she was. Being trapped in her doubts and pressure in her 'setting an example' for everyone. 

"And what if I don't?" She asked, hands shaking.

She couldn't just tell everyone in all of Westerburg that she would be stepping down. People would find out the truth about her, and then what would she be?

Even more depressed and helpless, that's for sure.

"If you don't," JD began, "Then this little bullet will gladly go through your head."

The air got so tense you could cut it with your bare hands.

"You have until Friday. That is, if you'd like to live. If you don't, you better watch out."

"But that's in three days! That's just not enough time." Heather complained.

JD pulled out his hand, waiting for her to shake it. He knew exactly what he was doing- he had her cornered, he was pulling the strings on her and she was the puppet. There was nothing Heather could do but give in to his commands.

Heather hesitantly approached him. She could have stabbed him right then and there, she could have ran away from there and hid.

But she didn't.

Instead, she shook his cold pale hand. JD chuckled victoriously as they did. He began to go to the window, stepping one of his legs over it and onto the ladder on the other side, since that's how he got up. Before he swung the other one over, he warned Heather of one thing.

"If you tell anyone about this little ordeal, consequences are coming your way." 

Heather nodded in fear as he smirked and swung his other leg over, shutting the window.

Heather looked out her window to see the boy descend the ladder and run across her yard and over the fence. He hopped into his motorcycle and lit a cigarette before starting the thing and driving off.

Heather at that moment dropped the knife and broke down, her kneed banging against the hard floor and her bare feet on the cold ground. Her elbows were on her lap as she covered her weeping face with the palms of her hand.

What had she gotten herself into.

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