Memory VI: Run

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The voices of his older brother was ringing in his head, he wanted to cry. Meliodas kept begging for him to get home while Zeldris here was repeatetively apologizing also pleading for his return.

Yet Zeldris was right, things could have been better off without him. He was a failure as prince, his brothers on the other hand was already far good with the given task to them... He often felt out of place when the both of them talks about wars and politics, he felt like he didn't belong to them.

He bit his lower lip, not knowing where to go, not knowing what to do. He needed Meliodas badly, but he couldn't rely on him, he should stop relying on him.

He flew over a village of demons ignoring it for quite some time, until he realized that there was no one within the village. He abrupt his flying, realizing he'd be in trouble if someone has been observing him.

Those goddesses hasn't been captured yet, he would defintely be in trouble if they were still here.

He flew down slowly, walking around warily. Then he heard a muffled cry somewhere as he turned his head, he walk toward the house where he heard the voice, slowly opening the door. He sour bile raise above his throat to see demons dead within the house, some other demons, obviously held captive crying in front of the corpses.

"What happened here?!" He manage to ask despite of feeling dizzy and sick. One of the female demons, which painfully reminded him of his mother look up to him with tears running down her cheeks.

"Y-you shouldn't have come here... The goddesses... the goddesses!" As if a cue, the door behind him flew open as a goddess stood between him and the door. He raise his hand as black flames burned around, the roof left shattered.

"RUN!" Estarossa screamed, the demons taking the opportunity to escape. The goddess tried to attack him, yet it only met it's desmise as black spheres created holes all over her body.

He was so screwed...

Dear brothers of mine... i love you so much.

"Bastard!" Estarossa merely smirk, looking at the goddesses before him raising their swords. He step unto the body of the goddess he just killed, remembering everything Meliodas taught him.

Anger loses the rationality of a person, taunt them, anger them, and wrap them around their fingers...

"What's wrong? This is a fight, people die. You shouldn't have time to care for your dead." He kicked the dead goddess and all her comrades lost it.

At the same time, show no mercy by feeling nothing but cold rage.

It was the goddesses fault... it was all their fault that Meliodas suffered like that, they used him to hurt Meliodas, it was all their fault...

None of the lower goddesses survived that day, and it was well deserve. Almost dying, yet managing to kill a general was one of his biggest success his entire life. Yet no matter his achievement, the world kept demanding more... it wasn't enough... it wasn't enough as he lost under the wrath of another general... and it was the one that used absolute order on him.

It was then, that he lost on his own game of anger, it was him all, who lost himself in anger as he remembered his brother bleeding.

He lost his rationality.

He was trembling pain, goddesses angry around him, as he was pretty much ready to face his death. He knew already that he'd die there, he was merely buying time for the other demons and hope that they escape.

"We should kill him already." A goddess said angrily, as Estarossa shut his eyes preparing for the worse.

"No... I'm acquainted to this little demon you see... Were you exciled?" Estarossa glared at her, great! He was going to get tortured to death!

"Fuck you." He spat out, later followed by a scream as a goddess step unto his back. The goddess giggled, crouching down before him, stroking his hair once more.

"Ah, our princess has the same hair color as yours. You're cute as she is as well." Like the he fucking cares. "Your eyes... they're always so beautiful aren't they?"

Shit, if this goddess knows his eyes color that means his power is sealed.

"By the way... you failed little demon." The goddess stood up before him, as he looks so scared to see the same woman he tried to save earlier, being held down by other goddesses.

"No! No! No! Just kill me please!" He begged, the goddess pulling the woman's hair as she was covered in bruises and wounds.

"This is a fight isn't it?" The goddess smiled at him, the demon prince was now crying not wanting to see this. "Death, is inevitable... "

Yet he couldn't take his eyes pf her, as she smiled and lip and apology.

"And you shouldn't care about the dead."

And before she was stabbed with more than three swords, she manage to whisper her thanks as the silverette screamed.

He was so useless...

"Take him with us... we still had a lot of games to play."


Meliodas and Zeldris looks absolutely shock to visit the one of the villages of their territory. Goddesses were dead all over the place, so were body of demons.

Meliodas cursed, seeing a familiar brown long coat left tattered among on the ground, he quickly glance at his younger brother who looks terribly guilty.

"Did he---?"

"I should be proud, but yes he did." Meliodas stated, looking around frantically. "Where is he?!"

Just when they were lost in their thoughts, they felt a presence near by as they turned their head towards its direction. It was then that they saw, a female demon laying unconcious down the ground as her fingers twitch.

Meliodas quickly went toward her.

"She's still alive?"

"Yes, she has a single heart remaining." Meliodas uttered, pulling the three swords empaled over the woman. She screamed, as Meliodas hoped that she'd have the strength to at least tell them what happened.

Her eyes slowly opened as Meliodas started feeling impatient.

"My... lord...?" Meliodas fear came into reality, this woman was familiar with him, this woman saw his brother. His brother was truely here....

"Zeldris call Gowther's doll now."

"I want everyone's memory here checked."

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