Memory X: Promise

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From the moment he heard that nickname, he started crying. He curse under his breath, covering his eyes with his arms, trembling all over again, being vulnerable again. He bit his lower lip, hating himself for being so emotional.

Was it wrong though? To miss someone this badly?

"Gowther, look what you did!" He heard his voice, and he really couldn't feel his heart beating anymore. He missed it so badly, his gentle and cheerful smile, like there was every reason in the world to.

"I told you not to return them!" And then what? Estarossa will end up hating him in a way he shouldn't have deserve.

For once he was thankful to Gowther.

"Aparently, those were the orders of the first prince of the demon clan who is long gone. I no longer have a reason to follow his orders." The word 'long gone' sank deep into his mind, it was too late, Meliodas was gone, even if he was right in front of him, he wasn't there... to ask for forgiveness, to make up with what he did.

He killed him, hurt him, enjoyed the sight of him suffering... it wasn't something he could easily forgive himself with.

"Unreasonable." Whatever the reason, Estarossa was glad of Gowther's decesion.

"Was it true...?" He voiced out, voice shaking, guilt and pain devouring him. He stares the emerald floor of the place, his reflection staring back, as he could see Meliodas' reflection, who was standing up in front of him.

"Those memories?" He choke out, unable to speak clearly with all the tears and pain. He lifted his head, his purple eyes, once again meeting his emerald ones.

"Yep." He said, the silverette glaring at how cheerful he said that. Here he was, gathering each ounce of his courage to ask and he answers just like that.

"I hate you."

"Really? Weren't you screaming and crying yesterday 'Brother! Come back! I need you! Come back!'." His face burned red, remembering what he did yesterday, how on eatth did he know that?!


"It took three hours before you calmed down to."

"D-don't change the topic!"

"You did that?!" And he had to hear Zeldris' voice.

"Shut up Zeldris!"

"You were always a cry baby back then, there's nothing to be ashamed of."

"I am not! Oh god--- just tell me why you did that!!!" Estarossa snapped noticing that the topic had already went to far. They all grew silent, Meliodas's smile fading growing serious.

"Please Meliodas... I need to know..." he pleaded, now lossing his strength, falling on his knees this time wanting the answer so badly.

"Because I knew you too much." He started off, bending down to his level. The younger demon couldn't look at him, he was crying all over again, hating his older brother so much for taking something so important to him.

"Who gave you the right to?" He wipe the tears away, sniffling, wanting to glare at the blonde.

"I know, however if you knew that I started the war for you, if you knew that father was that cruel on me... you wouldn't mind betraying the demon clan for me." He realized that he was actually far more than willing to do that. If he had his memories, he would have followed his brother everywhere.

"I was poisoned, attemptedly murdered a lot of times and was backstab in every possible way back when I was in the Stigma. Others even framing me so that the demons would kill me... only Elizabeth, Dolore and Gloxinia were the ones who accepted me .." He explained himself, remembering his bitter experiences after betraying his clan. He knew enough that he deserved it all at least.  "I saw it coming and I knew enough that I wouldn't be able to handle it if you were there with me..."

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