Memory VIII: Apology

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This was too much.

Cold, dangerous rage was bottling up within the blonde as he watch the hundreds of scars and letters all over the silverette. He bit his lower lip, the demon marking obove his right eye changing as it was now all over his forehead.

He remove the seal away with ease as the scars slowly fade into nothing, returning to its once porcelain color. He wanted to hug the younger demon so badly, even repeatetively stroking his hair knowing how much the silverette love that.



"I want to sleep..."

"Go ahead." Meliodas said, still stroking his hair. From the moment the silverette closed his eyes he fell asleep, dead tired.

He grab the sheets over the bed, covering the poor thing up, letting him lay down the floor for a second, promising

"How dare you!" An angel screamed as Meliodas let out a cold cruel laugh.

"No, it's how dare you." He uttered, his demon marking appearing over his face, black flames swirling around his arm, a gigantic sword appearing from it.

"I am Meliodas, commander of the ten commandement and crowned prince of the demon clan!" He screamed fire swallowing the mansion.

"How dare you hurt my brother!"


"Your majesty..." Meliodas stop of his tracks as Zeldris was before him along with the finest warriors within the clan. His other younger brother should have been here, the demon king was just proud about the silverette managing to kill a strong goddess and slaughter far many of them. He gave him the position among the ten commandments, yet Meliodas chose to excuse the silverette as of now.

"You can call me the way you like Zeldris." He uttered nonchalantly, his black eyes showing nothing but coldness.

"Very well then, brother..." Zeldris says, rising yet still bowing before him.

"What are your orders?" He asks although certain about what he is about to hear.

"Slaughter them." Some of the demons cheered while the others were grinning in excitement. Zeldris smiles, later turning his back on his brother, facing the demons.

"You've heard him..." he started off, his wings soreading widely.

"Disperse..." It was the time that the reign of darkness began, yet to Meliodas he couldn't really care much as he started walking through the castle.

"Little Esta?" He called out nearing the giant dead tree at the back of the castle. The silverette suddenly remembered liking that place when he was little, he kept going there since then.

The second prince was sitting underneath it and Meliodas smiled, remembering how the silverette ran here thrice from his tutor. This was where and his mother used to play to when she was still alive.

"Do you want to go dragon hunting?" Tbe blonde felt upset that he didn't lift the silverette's mood even a little.

"Come on, it's not your fault. The goddesses has been trying yo start the war for 10 years now." He got no response, irritated, he pulled the ahoge of silverette earning a yelp from him.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Meliodas!" He yelled, the blonde still pulling his hair.

"Brother!" He let go.

"Look, I'm proud of you..." Meliodas uttered, his hand slipping behind the silverette's head as he pulled his close, their foreheads meeting.

"You tried to protect the village and you didn't fail, you fulfilled your duty as a prince, so never look down on yourself..." The silverette started crying, going on to hug the blonde.

However... before Meliodas' betrayal, the blonde ordered Gowther erased everyone's memories regarding how the war exactly started along with those memories that could made Estarossa and Meliodas' bond deeper.

If he had those memories...

He wouldn't have hated the blonde so badly.

Estarossa gasp for air, waking up somewhere he had no idea where. He groaned, noticing that his clothes had grew larger than how it should be, his hands being smaller before.

He cursed, realizing the magic that kept his appearance was now canceled.

Fucking Gowther, stupid annoying fucking Gowther! He wants to destroy the traitorous doll now.

Yet then, he realized that his memories had return... the tears started falling as his shoulder started trembling.

"Stupid fucking Meliodas!" He screamed, the tears falling, heart aching so badly as he gasp for air, clutching unto his chest.

"Come back! Come back!!!" He cried out.

"Come back!" He fell on his knees, shaking, gasping, pleading with his voice trembling.

"C-come back..." He never felt so hopeless after the blonde's betrayal, he hated it. His heart aches so badly, the tears wouldn't stop... he just couldn't forgive himself.


"I'm right here..." Meliodas uttered, left unheard, watching his younger brother trembling and crying bellow him.

He couldn't touch him, nor could he, all he could do was stare down him as he kept crying. This was the main reason why he erased his memories, he wouldn't be able to stand him to see him in pain...

That's why he didn't mind it, he didn't mind it when Estarossa killed him back then, he deserves his hatred.

He crouch down in front of the silverette, and it seems like he wouldn't stop crying any time.

He cursed at Gowther, for disobeying his orders... but somewbere within him reasoned that Estarossa deserves to know. Even Diane deserved to have her memories despite of oblivion keeping her from suffering.

He and King just wanted the same for the person they love.

Meliodas sighs, glancing over his shoulder as he watch at Elizabeth staring down at him. He smiled at her sadly, the younger demon's cries still piercing through his ears.

"He's cursing you right now." Meliodas uttered, hearing Estarossa scream his name again. Meliodas, although not looking like it has been stab by remorse a lot of times now.

"I couldn't blame him." Elizabeth smiles, understanding the other silverette. She had numbers of sisters her entire life, and she loves all of them, hated lossing them, hated it when they left her.

"He believes that I stole his beloved brother after all."


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