What happened?

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Were you really dead after the explosion? No, but you were about to die with the deadly injuries that you had on you if they weren't healed in the next few minutes that followed the explosion. But by chance (hum, hum) Sombra and Moira were here. Why? Talon knew the plan from the start and how it'll end. They wanted you in their organization but if you kept your memories like this, they understood that they wouldn't go far. That's why they thought about sacrificed Doomfist to damage your brain as much as possible to be able to manipulate your memories. And Overwatch's plan was perfect for this occasion.

After the explosion happened, they brought you to their base and they healed you. They also gave you a bit of Reaper abilities and they manipulated your memories. They changed them so much that you didn't even remember something about your past. Every happy moment you had with Overwatch was transformed into a horrible and painful event. They told you that Overwatch treated you awfully and they never hesitated to test experiences on you. That's how you gained your abilities as they said. You started to hate Overwatch and everything they were doing. What they thought, what they said, it was just lies for you.

After you had been healed, you stayed two weeks in the medical bay of the Talon base to get used to your new body. It was a strange feeling you had inside you. You knew there was something wrong, that you forgot something important. But what was it? You tried every day to remember, but you never succeeded. It was like to be lost, and it left a terrible sensation inside you. You never showed it to the others, you knew they wouldn't allow you to think more about this strange feeling so you only thought about this when there was no one around.

After another week, you decided to ignore this feeling and to focus on the training. All these things they taught you, didn't seem new to you. Your body knew those movements but your brain didn't remember them. Instead of Overwatch, it was Talon that became your family. You protected them with your life, never hesitated to save them. No one could die under your watch. You became a greater soldier that you were at Overwatch but you had almost lost everything that was a part of you before the accident. Mercy and justice disappeared from your vocabulary. Violence, war, blood, dead were a daily routine to you now.

All your friends considered you dead, but it wasn't the truth. But who could have guessed that you were still alive? No one? Wrong, a few still believed that you were still living but the majority won. You, (Y/n) (L/n) was dead. And they half said the truth.

That's who you were, a supposed dead person working for the most dangerous terrorist organization. You were The Phantom that belonged to Talon, no longer (Y/n) (L/n) that worked for Overwatch. This person, this personality was erased from the world to let place to The Phantom.

Back to the present

You grumbled at what Sombra said and you watched her with serious. "Don't ever call me like that again. I'm not this naive and young person that I was. (Y/n) (L/n) is dead at the same time that Doomfist." You whispered angrily, Sombra already knew this but she loved to tease people, that's why she called you like this. She smirked and she let you alone with your thoughts. She knew when she had to stop and now was the best moment.

You closed your eyes and you slept a bit before landing on the base. You slowly opened your eyes and you got up from your seat, you noticed that Sombra already left the ship. You walked out of the ship and you went to your chamber but Reaper stopped you, or like Sombra liked to call him Gabe. "Where were you?" He grumbled to you and you glanced at him. "Why do you all want to know that? I was where I wanted to be." You said before heading to your room. You didn't even bother to look at him, you were angry at the moment. Reaper watched you leaving and he turned his head to the main hall when a recruit screamed in fear. "What Sombra did again?" Reaper demanded to himself.

You opened the door of your room and you sat on the bed. You took out the medal and you watched it attentively again, the pain in your heart coming back. You looked away from the medal for a moment. Someone was at the door, looking at you. "So that's where you were huh?" Moira spoke, making you jumped in surprise. You tried to hide the medal but she already saw it. "You can't hide anything from Talon." She approached you and she kneeled down to make eyes contact with you. "I won't say that to the others, but that's the last time we saw you around Overwatch, understood?" You gritted your teeth and you nodded. "Good." She stood up and she closed your door, leaving your room.

You punched the wall and you groaned when this weird feeling came back. "WHY?!" You shouted, your voice echoed through your entire room. Your hands were clenched in fist and you threw the medal away. You started to hear whisper around you. You recognized immediately the voice of your enemies. "Why? Why them?!"

'You can join Overwatch luv!' You quickly looked around but you didn't see Tracer. You weakly got up of your bed and your eyes started to close. You took a knife and you plunged it into your skin. It was painful but it helped you to stay awake. "This isn't truth!! I never wanted to join Overwatch!" You screamed like someone could hear you but no one was around you. You removed the knife and you put it on the desk. Your wound already healed. You slammed the door of your room and you immediately exited it. You had to do something to keep your mind away from this feeling. And what fits more than a mission for that?


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