New start, new you

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A/n: Quick info before the beginning of this chapter some of you have waited like forever. Because it has been a year I haven't properly updated this book and wow if some of you still read it a huge thank you. So, the book will start to have more serious topics because even if I would like this book to be only good, there are consequences of two nearly deaths experiences and I wanted to put them. I'm not someone who experienced panic attacks and PTSD, I'm not a doctor as well so there may have a lot of mistakes and I apologize. I hope you'll still enjoy this book as much as you did before. Thank you for still reading this

This chapter contains panic attacks and PTSD

For you, having an enormous amount of free time was quite a bore. It didn't suit you well. As the Petra Law was no longer applied, a lot of people from all over the world applied to get recruited to work for Overwatch. And you had to be one of the very few people to train them but not getting the right to accompany them on a mission. You never desired to understand why somehow you were aware the answer would come if you allow it the time. Basically, you were no longer a field agent, which was quite upsetting. It had become a part of your life, it was another you. Now, it was like giving up on it. Which didn't please you. You weren't spending a lot of time with your friends anymore. They were busy doing missions, you were occupied to train the recruits. Peace at the base was quite unfamiliar for you. In the past, you were either messing around or being sent on missions. Maybe that's why you almost died two times, maybe three if you counted the Omnic Monstrosity time. And this event was going to be almost 5 years ago. Even if you stayed in the base, time did fly by.

It was going to be five years, you could remember everything as if it was yesterday. You couldn't quite believe it, but you felt the changes in your body and mind. You weren't as energetic and strong as before. You wished you were, but time affected everyone. You contemplated the landscape before you from the highest point in Gibraltar. Having so much free time had its perks as well. You hummed slightly, noticing the sun was getting low as the sun grew darker. It may be the time for you to leave but it felt just right for you to stay here.

At the start, you found it cool to have so much free time but now, you were asking yourself questions, too many questions. A few weeks after the Petra Law disappeared, you commenced getting panic attacks as well as PTSD. You hid it well from everyone but you wondered if it was a smart idea. Truth to be said, you knew you shouldn't but every now and then, you knew they might be too busy to have the time to discuss about it and it would only stress them even more. They could have some tips, but... You didn't want to bother them. And there you go again, spiralling with your own thoughts. You gave yourself a mental slap, expecting to leave this thought behind. After 5 years, you must treat this seriously. It was time to stop running away from reality. The truth was you were scared of being hurt even more. You were strong, it was almost a fact for every person who knew you. But so were your demons. There was a time, it didn't bother you since you ignore them. Unfortunately, you couldn't past over them anymore without paying them attention, not alone at least. But that's why friends were here for you, right? Time to have an appointment with Angela. No more running.

You went down from your spot with ease, heading back to the watchpoint. You loved this place, whenever something went wrong you rested there and relaxed. It was your oasis of calm when the world happened to be a storm. You walked a few streets in silence and peace but you were held by two children. You were quite surprised but it was becoming normal for you to get recognized in the streets. Another change you didn't have before the destruction of the colossal Omnic Monstrosity. You put your softest smile on, you wouldn't like to frighten them.

"Hello, you two. What can I do for you?" You demanded as you noticed the parents waiting behind them, they sure looked like they were glad to have crossed your road. The youngest of the two, the boy shoved his sister towards you. The sister turned her head, whispering to her brother. They sorta yelled-whispered at each other, having an argument just in front of you. They looked at you and stammered but at the end, they sorted it out to say what they wished to tell you.

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