Failed brainwashing

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You rushed down the hallways, your head hurting you more and more. You didn't understand why though. Maybe it was because you stopped the brainwashing sooner than usual and brutally. You sighed in relief when you entered your room. You gritted your teeth as the pain began to be stronger, you never felt this way before. And it was killing you. Some images came in your mind before disappearing, some had sounds others didn't. Smile, laugh, cry, all of these inside you at the exact same time. It was maybe this, that was killing you. Your missions where you had to kill people, guilty... Yes, you were starting to feel guilty for all the bad things you had done in Talon. Where is your promise you did years ago? Vanished.

Sombra was watching the whole thing from the beginning, she was surely bored to stay in the base doing nothing. But this was a bit more interesting to watch. She smirked when she saw you exiting the medical bay. She got up from her seat and she exited her room. She understood at this moment that you were regaining your memories. It wasn't really hard to notice it after all. She went to your room and she perceived your form from afar, she heard the door being slammed as well.

She arrived at your room pretty quickly after you slammed the door. She slowly and silently opened your door. She saw you, seated on the side of your window. There was no light but the moonlight shined all the room clearly. You observed the landscape with a hand on your head. Some tears running down your face. She approached you and you turned around. You looked at her with blank eyes, your face showing no emotion now.

"You shouldn't have stopped the process like this," Sombra started while looking at you in the eyes. Your eyes sharpened and you got up, you wiped your tears away at the same time. "What do you mean?" You demanded it was not even an ask it was an order. "You had mix two personalities just like WidowMaker. The person you were before Talon got you, and the one you are supposed to be now," she continued. She knew a lot more than you did. She saw much more than you'll ever do. There are a lot of things she wanted to forget, and Talon's experiences were certainly one of them.

You raised your brows in confusion and you desperately looked at Sombra. "Will it ever stop? Yeah, because I clearly don't want to stay with them." You kept the same voice, but Sombra understood that it wasn't the same person that has said that. The first was (Y/n) and the second one was The Phantom. "There are two options. Either one of you die, or you have to live together." You groaned and you put a hand on your head.

Sombra looked at you for a moment before speaking. "Wanna get back to Overwatch, don't you? Even you Phantom, right?" You stared at the floor and you sighed before nodding. "Then I help you to get back in Overwatch but promise me something, bring our team with you." You furrowed your brows in confusion. "Why?" You asked her. She closed the door to make sure no one could hear her.

"Reaper acts if he hates Overwatch like no one does but it's not the truth. I know he misses his old teammates. He chooses to be with Talon just because of a rage that once consumes him but today, he realizes it wasn't a good idea. He thinks that his comrades will never forgive him, but again it's what he thinks but it's not the reality." You nodded as you received the information. You didn't think that of Reaper at all. But then again, Sombra knew more than you'll ever do. What a great thing to be a hacker. "What about Moira?" You quietly asked her.

"Same. Moira went here to do every experience she wanted, but now she notices that it has a price. She can do everything she wants but Talon's orders are more important so she can't work on her experiences. At Overwatch, yes that's true Angela always teased her and all, but she missed that rivalry as well. If you're going back to Overwatch. Accept to take them with you." You didn't hesitate but there was a thing that bothered you. "How will I bring them with me? Like, they'll never admit it! How am I suppose to bring them somewhere they used to hate?" Sombra seemed to have forgotten this special detail. She grumbled angry Spanish words and you saw her starting to get out of your room. "I'll see that firstly get some rest. You'll need it." She told you. You surely won't disagree with that.

And before she was out of your sight, you called her with a smile on your face. She turned around with her brows raised. "You always teased them, but you cared about them huh? I bet you miss Amélie and Doomfist." She looked at you and her smile had vanished to be replaced by a sad one with sad eyes. She sighed and she nodded. "Indeed. I missed those old good days." She revealed you. She closed the door silently. Sombra acted as if she wasn't touched by this, like she wouldn't care if one of her teammates would die tomorrow, just like anyone else in the base but you knew the truth now.

You smiled at what she told you, you won't let her stay at Talon. There was no way you could. After all, she did, you weren't going to. You gotta think to bring her at Overwatch too. Even if she wasn't related to it, she deserved to be with her friends. You had to think of a plan but for now, you deserved a big and good rest. This day was one of the most exhausting you ever had. Physically and emotionally.


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