Not an update sorry but a quick important message

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First of all I apologize for the long wait you had before this update even though it's not a real chapter. I want to tell you today why I still didn't update this book while almost all of my other books had an update. The main reason Is the lenght of the chapter I'm writing. The maybe next update you'll have will have twice the lenght of any of my chapter. The other main reason Is because I lost my passion for Overwatch. I never thought I would say something like that but here it Is. I don't have this same feeling I felt when I was writing. Now, it makes me feel like writing Is my duty. I must finish this before anything else but that's not what I want. I want to write and enjoy it. But that's not the case anymore. I don't know what happen for me to feel this way but I don't wanna write anymore.

I know it's not fair for y'all. You've been waiting 4 months for an update and when it comes out it's not even a real chapter. I'm really sorry about this but I don't want to give you a chapter that feels for me that I've been obligated to finish.

I stop writing for the moment. I don't know for how long but it'll last a few months at least.

Again I apologize guys but this Is my decision and nothing will change it. Maybe I'll find this passion again but right now I'm not into Overwatch anymore. 

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