Saving South Korea

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You jumped on Hana's mech and you talked to her about how to defeat the giant Omnic. "Could you land on one of the Omnic's leg? I know there's an entrance on them and there's a lot of places for your mech to enter, really a lot." You quickly told her. "Yes, I can!" She answered with a smile. She used her boost to get faster to the Omnic. It started to shoot at you but Hana ate the missiles with her defence matrix when they came near you. She landed quickly on one of the "feet" of the Omnic. You jumped on it and you gave a glance to Hana. She was alright. The Omnic was built with a lot of good and resistant materials and cables. But you clearly noticed the door incrusted into the wall. You opened it and it was accompanied by a very unpleasant noise. "It's here, we'll climb the ladder until we'll be at the first and last floor of this Omnic." You informed Hana and she gave you a nod. You climbed first and Hana was waiting for you to arrive or else, she couldn't climb with her mech.

You stood firmly on the floor and you gave a sign for Hana to start to come up here. You watched around but darkness filled the giant place. It was tall enough to put 4 mechs and large to put the cafeteria of Overwatch, a bit bigger though. You searched in your pockets if something could help you to see better until you heard something in the air. You avoided it at a frightening pace. It banged the wall with a loud clang. You frowned at this. "There's no way there are..." "Omnics? Don't be dumb (Y/n). The giant monstrosity is like a building with something precious inside, the core its energy. And what do we put to protect it?" Phantom demanded you in your mind. You were about to answer but shots rang, you instinctively ran behind a wall.

"Careful Hana! There are Omnics here! And, do you have, by any chance, lights on you?" You warned her and also asked her a question. You felt the wind passing and light suddenly appeared. It wasn't lights you were expecting, it was like a disco ball so the lights weren't the same colour but at least, you saw the Omnics. "Of course!" You noticed a weak white glow far away. But there were a lot of Omnics between. They were like the Omnic during the Uprising, but the main colour on them was blue.

"Enemy visualised. Extermination ordered." One Omnic informed its comrades. They started to shoot at you and Hana went in front of you, taking mainly the bullets. "Shoot at them, I'll do my best to protect you." You smiled warmly at this attitude. You also missed this. You grabbed your weapon and you started to shoot at the Omnic. You tried your best to not kill them. You only attempted to make them harmless. When you couldn't, you used the cross of your weapon to finish them. But you began to get tired, and there were still many of them. "Hana, stop protect me and attack them instead!" You shouted for her to hear you even with all the noise made by the shots.

"But-" You growled and you shook your head. "C'mon Hana! I've already taken thousands of bullets in my life, I even escaped death! I can surely endure more! We need to reach this white glow! It is its heart if we destroy it we win. So the quicker we kill these Omnics, the sooner I'll explain to you how to destroy it and the better it'll be for your country!" You convinced Hana and she ceased to shield you. You sighed in relief as you continued to fight the Omnics. You caught come bullets, but it was nothing for you. In the end, a lot of Omnics were still alive but unable to move. Your body healed itself slowly. You glanced at Hana, her mech was in a pretty good shape. "Come, Hana, I'm gonna give you the instructions on how we'll end this."

You lit up your earpiece and you immediately heard screams and gunshots. You posed Sombra's translocator on the ground. "Sombra, we need you." You heard her sigh. "Finally! I thought you would never call." She appeared in front of you two and she picked up her translocator. You started to walk to the white glow. The light was closed in a glass tube with screens on it. You placed Jamison's mine and RIP-Tire. You had Lena's bomb in your hand. "Sombra, you'll activate your EMP, weakening the defence system of the Omnic. Then, Hana, you'll explode your mech on it and at the same time, I'll throw Lena's pulse bomb. But you'll recall it on the top of the Omnic. I know it'll be hard, but you have to do it or else..." You didn't finish your sentence but you knew Hana understood.

They nodded as they prepared themselves. Sombra threw her translocator away. Hana stepped back a bit. "Whenever you're ready. The exit is just there." You pointed further where a ladder brought you on the top of the Omnic, outside. "We need to stay away from the explosion so as soon as you threw everything go hide behind a wall." Sombra didn't wait to activate her EMP. As it happened Hana used her booster and she came out of her mech. You saw the Mech started to retract on itself with a white/green glow around it. You threw Lena's pulse bomb and it stuck on the glass.

You ran behind a wall and immediately, you heard a very loud explosion. You felt the wind even behind the wall. The Omnic was tanging and you had a hard time to stay on your feet. You all started to run to the ladder. Hana in first to have the time to get back in her Mech, then Sombra and finally you. While you were climbing, you noticed a second floor and the Omnic stopped trembling. You received a call on your comm and you answered it. "(Y/n) is everyone alright?" You recognized Ana's voice and you walked on the second floor. You saw a small door with a red light. "Yes, everyone is. Why?"

"We heard a loud explosion and the Omnic started to fall but it didn't and now, it's getting closer to the land. I don't like to say it but hurry up please." Ana told you before the connexion cut. Sombra was behind you, her arms crossed. "So?" You slammed your hand against the wall and you gritted your teeth in anger. "How could I be so dumb?! Of course, there's a second source. That's why it always has been able to escape! Sombra, go with Hana and try to destroy one of its feet. I'll destroy this second source." You ordered her with a gentle tone. Sombra commenced to walk away but she had one last question for you. "And how will you do it? You almost have no munitions." You clenched your fists and you broke the door with your foot. "The Omnics. When they reached a critical state they make an explosion. I'll use this to destroy the last source." Sombra nodded and she disappeared from your sight. You observed the source before getting back on the first floor.

You collected all the little bombs of the Omnics. You also took their munitions. You assembled them together to make a bomb strong like Hana's mech explosion. You placed it on the ground. You wondered why you took the munitions though. "Why? Seriously (Y/n). There is gunpowder in it, you just have to open it and placed it on the source. The explosion will only be bigger and stronger. Simple, right?" Phantom explained you with a teasing tone. You rolled your eyes but you smiled. You took out all the gunpowder possible. You quickly placed it around the source. You felt yourself fell and you grabbed a cable. Hana and Olivia surely had destroyed one foot.

You went to the ladder and you took out your weapon. You breathed deeply before shooting the bomb and climbing as fast as you could. You got some burnt wounds but you hadn't the time to think about this. The Omnic started to fall and if you didn't want to die you had to escape it really quickly. You got on the top of the Omnic and you listened to the explosion that was happening inside. Everything is getting destroyed by the explosion. You saw Hana's pink mech and Sombra on the top of it, just like you before. "I hate to do this." You ran to the void and you jumped off the top of the Omnic. You were falling at a fast pace.

The Omnic lost its balance and it fell in the Ocean, making some big waves. It continued to explode in the water but the explosions were less powerful with the water. You were above Hana's mech and just before you touch it, you used your wraith form to not get any damage. Sombra jumped in surprised. She sighed as it was just you. "Everyone here? Cool! Cuz we're gotta speed up if we don't wanna fall with the Omnic!!" Hana shouted from her mech and she headed to the beach with her boost. The city was even more destroyed, buildings falling and on fire. Smoke everywhere, it was a sad show to see. But fortunately, it'll be the last time South Korea will have to watch and endure this.


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