Truth or Lie?

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Everyone was confused by your sentence. Don't you remember what happened? You were volunteered to go on this mission, you wanted to. They didn't kill you at all, they did not even try to do so. They wanted to save you, not kill you. What we're you talking about?

Tracer stepped closer to you but you stopped her with your gun. She could see the murder glint you had in your now red eyes, the rage inside them. She raised her hands. Now, no one wished to fight you, they were glad to know that you were still alive. But also heartbroken to learn that you joined Talon. There must be a reason for that, but unfortunately, they didn't know what was it for the moment.

Jack got up after he had been healed. His rifle was pointed at the ground. Everyone was looking at you. "We didn't try anythin' luv, we tried to save ya!" Your grip on your gun tightened. You shook your head. "NO! That's only lies! Why weren't you there when I was in pain instead of Talon?! They saved me, don't say that you try something!" You shouted in fury.

Tracer gritted her teeth, you were right on one thing. They weren't here when you needed it. But they weren't going to give up. "We all thought you were dead (Y/n)! When you fought Doomfist, they weren't any traces of your body! We all thought that you were dead because of the bomb!" You growled and you threw your gun on the ground. This feeling came back one more time with a headache.

You were moving away from them, you couldn't focus with this pain. Genji went in front of you in no matter of time. "I'm sorry (Y/n) but we can't let you kill more innocents. You promised this yourself." He whispered to you. He proceeded to give you a punch on your chest. Since the wall was close to you, your back hit the wall. You laughed in pain and you raised up your head, looking at Overwatch. "Hahaha, of course, I promised that. Why can't I remember this then Sparrow?!" This name came out naturally and you got up with a hand on your chest.

Genji was shocked and he stopped to move for a moment. You took this opportunity and you climbed on the rooftop. D.Va followed you with the help of Jack. You ran on the top of buildings, your headache becoming worse and worse. Jack hesitated to shoot at you and D.Va helped him with the decision. It was a no. You didn't believe them and if they wanted you to believe them, they couldn't shoot at you. They had to "capture" you without hurting you. It was the only chance for you to trust them. They should have brought Ana, it would have been simpler.

You stopped to run when you reached the edge of a building, the other building was too far for you to jump. Jack and D.Va smiled as they saw it as well. You turned to face them, your hand still on your chest. Jack looked at you, one of his eyes could be seen but not the other one.

"You can't go anywhere now (Y/n), come with us and we'll prove you that you always have been part of Overwatch." You groaned as you heard this. "First, don't call me (Y/n), this person is dead at the same time I joined Talon. And secondly, how can I know that this isn't a trap?" You answered with a sharp tone, your pain slightly becoming unbearable.

Jack frowned at your answer, he knew you were not going to trust them but, he was pretty much surprised by your sentence about Talon. Jack shook his head and he sighed. D.Va looked at him, still in her mech. "I'm sorry Hana, but we have to use the hard way," Jack whispered to her. D.Va seemed to be quite sad by this decision but she nodded anyway.

She boosted toward you but you shrugged and you went on the edge, your back facing the void. "You maybe win this meeting Overwatch but you didn't win this fight, I'll be back stronger." You firmly said before jumping into the void. D.Va rushed to the edge and she watched you. Before touching the ground, you used your wrath form to not get any more damage. She let a slight breath of relief knowing that you were alright. She looked at Jack. He went to her slowly. "They're alive, huh?" She only nodded and she wasn't sure if she was happy with this fact or not. Like everybody else that saw you.

You called the ship to get you. The pilot said he was going to come in a few minutes, you sat on the ground as you waited for him. You chocked some blood and you gritted your teeth at the pain. You tried to ignore the pain for a moment but you didn't succeed at all

You didn't succeed this mission for sure, but you surely learnt something about your life. You surely lost some of your memories and some of them were fake but you knew that someone is lying to you, either it was Overwatch or Talon. But there was someone that wasn't telling the truth to you. And you were willing to know who it is.

You put a hand on your head as you heard D.Va's voice now. 'Oh c'mon! They aren't here anymore, why you stupid brain?!' You thought internally. 'GG you noob! We finally got over those stupid Talon agents!' You heard D.Va happily said. You were so astonished by what you heard. You couldn't believe what you just heard, right?

You growled and you punched the wall. You wanted to stop thinking about this. Talon was your home, not Overwatch. Your pain went to your hand instead of your head. The feeling started to fade away and you sighed in relief. You will think about everything you learnt later.

The ship landed in front of you and the door opened. You smiled as you saw the ship. You entered it. The pilot gave you a slight glance and you gave him a nod. He understood the message. He closed the door and he started to fly. You closed your eyes and you waited for the journey to have an end.


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