Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

Frank woke up with his head across Gerard's chest. A bang on their bedroom door had startled him awake, and he groaned in protest as the voice at the door spoke.

"Out of the rooms," yelled the manager. "Come back later today to try and get another room."

So now they were expected to just leave... And go where? They could try to make it back in the line outside the shelter to get a room again when people would start lining up, but that happened in the late afternoon... They'd have to find something to do all day. Maybe look for a job... Frank had never imagined himself having a job, not even one at McDonalds, or someplace like that. He aways thought that he'd be in a band or something like that. Having a real job had never crossed his mind. 

The idea of waking up early to go to the same work place everyday was definetly not on his life goal list, but it seemed that Frank would no longer be able to chase after dreams of playing guitar. The thought was pretty depressing, until he glanced down at Gerard who was rubbing his eyes open. If Frank had to endure a painfully boring job to allow them to live in an apartment, at least he would have Gerard to come home to. 

Gerard propped himself up on his elbows and looked around the room then settled his eyes down on Frank's smile.

"Morning, Frankie." he said in his rhaspy sleepy voice that Frank loved so much. 

"Goodmorning, Gee. We've gotta leave the shelter now. The manager ordered everyone to clear out for the day." stated Frank.

Gerard sighed and rolled over with his face against the pillow. "But I don't wanna." he mumbled into the pillow.

Frank giggled and nudged his shoulder as he rose from the bed. He grabbed his bag and slipped on some jeans and a shirt, and then he threw Gerard's bag on top of him as he still layed lazily on the bottom bunk bed. Gerard mumbled something but finally managed to sit up. 

Frank peekd our the door to see that everyone else was filing down the long hall way of rooms, and back out onto the street. "C'mon Gee," pressed Frank. "We gotta leave now."

"Okay, okay," Gerard sighed as he found a decent shirt and pulled it over his messy bed hair. Frank grasped his hand, and together they walked back out onto the street. A teenager and her mother walked by them, busy bickering about who knows what, but the older woman reminded Gerard of his own mom. 

"Frank, do you miss your mom?" They were walking down the side walk hand in hand. Frank was surprised by the question. Did he miss his mom? He hadn't even thought about her until Gerard brought her up.

"No." he answered. "Do you miss your mom?"

"I never got to say goodbye to her." Gerard stated with sadness clinging to every word. Frank felt guilty, and somehow he needed to make it up to Gerard. He had torn him from his comfortable life at home into a life living on the streets of New York. It was all his fault. 

"What about your dad?" asked Gerard. "Where's he at?"

Frank shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Don't know. He left when I was little. My mom never really talked about him much..."

"Oh... I'm sorry... Do you know anything about him?" 

"Nope," Frank replied. "Well... my mom did tell me that he liked coffee alot, but that doesn't really tell me much." he said sarcastically. 

Gerard chuckled and then focused his eye on Frank who looked like he was about to say something.

"I have something for you, Gee." Frank took the bag from his shoulder and dug through it for a moment until he pulled out a couple sheets of paper. 

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