Merthur- Merlin's past and pain

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It was a warm day in Camelot when suddenly, 3 horses and riders rode into the square. 2 of the horses were jet black while the one leading was a pure white. The riders jumped off and entered the castle, the leader in a long, beautiful blue cloak. The figure pulled their hood back and revealed a young girl, about 16, with long black hair, and bright, electric blue eyes. Gwaine, say the girl and walked towards her, then said, trying to be all sexy and Gwaine-ish.

"Hello my lady. What brings you to the kingdom of Camelot?" The girl smiled and said, actually quite mature-like,

"I'm here to visit an old friend. He'll recognize me right away and it'll be quite humorous." Gwaine smiled and held his hand out to the girl. She smiled and took his hand, then walked into the castle. Gwaine and the girl walked to the throne room and then entered, Gwaine leading her. Arthur and Gwen were sitting on their thrones when the girl entered. The other two riders were behind the girl as she stood there and looked at Arthur. Arthur noticed the girl and asked,

"Hello my lady. What brings you to the fine kingdom of Camelot?" The girl smiled and said,

"I'm here to visit my king." The king of Camelot smiled and said, his voice surprised and slightly happy.

"What can I do for you?" the girl smirked and said, genuinely surprised.

"So you do not know.. I'm surprised he did not tell you." Suddenly, Merlin entered quietly with a tray of silver cups and food for the king and Gwen. He kept his head down until he looked up and then he noticed the girl and the two guards that stood behind her. He dropped the tray from fear and absolute confusion. Arthur, Gwen, and all the knights looked at Merlin as he whispered, his eyes were widened and his voice cracking and dry.

" Why..?" Merlin was gasping and was trying to calm down. The guards immediately bowed to Merlin and yelled,

"Sire!" Merlin was turning a bright, bright crimson and grit his teeth. The girl smiled and bowed slightly then said, her voice loud.

"So the stories are true. The prince of Camatin is in Camelot. And is the kings servant boy. Interesting." Arthur stared at Merlin and asked, utterly comfused.

"Merlin... Is that true..? You're the prince to the kingdom of Camatin?!" Merlin nodded and said,

"Yes..." Merlin stormed from the throne room and the girl stood again. She signed, and said,

"His highness is not going to be happy about this. Well... I can probably convince him to at least come back to the kingdom.. Merlin!" The girl stormed from the room and continued to yell Merlin's name until he disappeared. Gwaine appeared behind the girls guards and said,

"Hello my lady. Would it be alright with your protectors if we explored the castles grounds together?" The guards stood protectively around the young woman but she halted them saying,

"He is a knight of Camelot after all. it's alright." Gwaine bowed slightly and held his hand out to the girl. She took it and smiled then said,

"It'll be alright boys. Head to the room and I'll be back later. don't worry, I'm in good hands." the guards nodded and vanished, then Gwaine and the girl went walking around the grounds.

"So.. how do you know Merlin?"

"He's the prince to my falling kingdom.. and he's my brother."


"Yes. He is the prince and I'm the kings ward."


"Sir Gwaine, is something wrong?" Gwaine was silent for several moments then said,

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