The Battle Begins pt. 3

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Arthur had explained everything to the knights what Merlin had said, they were shocked. Utterly shocked. The knights were in a large room specifically set up for them, it was the same size as the throne room, with large windows and a medium sized table sat in the middle of the room, surrounded by chairs. Lancelot slammed his hand onto the table, causing it to creak from the abuse and the brunette man yelled angrily,

"There's no way I'm letting Merlin go against Morgana by himself. I know he's a sorcerer and all but he's still our friend and he needs our help!" All the other knights agreed loudly. Arthur smiled and said,

"If you're all serious.. then we better prepare. Merlin and his group are leaving soon." The knights left the room, only to find Merlin walking down the hall in his casual clothing, but he had a sheath and sword in his hand. The brunette king stopped outside the room and looked at the stern and serious looks the knights wore,

"I imagine Arthur told you of my requests." Gwaine snickered and said,

"Merlin, please drop the king act for a few minutes." Merlin smiled and said,

"So I'm guessing you guys want to come along on the hunt." Everyone smiled and nodded, Merlin scoffed weakly and said, the seriousness could cut through steel,

"I'm not kidding you guys, if you don't want to come then don't. I won't blame anyone but I stick to what I said. I want you guys to go back to Camelot because it will kill me if any of you get hurt because of me." Lancelot and Gwaine steeped forward and slapped their hands to both of Merlin's shoulders. Leon spoke first,

"Merlin, we're not going anywhere." Merlin smiled and said,

"Alright then. You all better hurry though, the group will be leaving at dawn."

All the knights grinned and Merlin just smirked. Gwaine and Lancelot removed their hands and the young king nodded weakly before walking off down the hall in the opposite direction, the sword in his hands shifting slightly with each step. Arthur looked after the brunette then said to the men dressed in casual Camelot knights clothing, no one in the room was wearing their chain mail anymore,

"I need to speak with Merlin about some matters regarding the trip and Morgona." Leon, Elyan and Percival nodded but Gwaine and Lancelot smirked and winked wickedly at the blonde. Arthur scoffed weakly and walked after Merlin.

Merlin entered his chambers and set his sword on the desk near his bed and sighed heavily. The door opened suddenly and Merlin jumped around, only to see Arthur shutting and locking the door behind him. Merlin sighed heavily and said, turning so his back was to Arthur again,

"I still stand by what I said. I think you lot would be safer in Camelot." Arthur scoffed and walked over, then wrapped his muscular arms around Merlin's waist, effectively pinning the brunettes scrawny arms to his sides.

"H-Hey! Arthur, what the hell?!"

[Ill be updating almost daily everyone!! Sorry for any waiting!]

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