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Merlin woke up the next morning, his head pounding extremely hard inside his skull. He sat up and looked around, some of the knights were asleep, others weren't. Arthur, Leon, Lancelot, Skylar and now Merlin were awake. Merlin stood up numbly and trudged over to his horse. He dug through the side saddle, when someone suddenly grabbed the knife out of its sheath that rested on his hip. Merlin spun around and immediately saw Gwaine standing there, Merlin's knife in his hand. Merlin raised an eyebrow,

"Very funny Gwaine, give me back my-" Merlin was cut off by someone's arm, most likely Arthur's wrapping around his throat. He spluttered and coughed, his vision was quickly starting to blur and the pounding in the brunettes head got worse. He grabbed onto the arm with both hands in a weak attempt to pull the arm from his throat. He spluttered and weakly began to chant a spell. His eyes flashed slightly, all the knights froze slightly. Merlin's eyelids were getting heavier and he couldn't keep struggling. Arthur was whispering,

"Stop Merlin, just relax. Relax!" Merlin's body was betraying him, he was getting weaker and weaker by the minute. His eyes fluttered shut, the brunette spluttered again and fell limp.

All the knights looked at the unconscious Merlin, Gwaine sighed and ran a hand through his hair,

"He's gonna be pissed when he wakes up." Arthur leaned down and lifted Merlin up. Merlin was completely unconscious, Markus grabbed the enchanted rope and Gwaine looked at the knife in his hand. Markus took the knife and cut the rope into a few parts. He leaned down and reluctantly tied the unconscious brunettes wrists together. The ropes tightened slightly and glowed weakly, Markus tied his ankles, same thing happened. Arthur dragged Merlin over to a tree, then grabbed rope then looked to Lancelot. Lancelot held one end of the rope while Arthur walked around the tree, tying Merlin to the tree. All the knights were extremely uncomfortable now, what just happened was setting in. They had just knocked and tied Merlin up. Gwaine took Merlin's knife, and looked at it. It was a beautiful knife, medium length with a silver handle. The blade was jagged in some places, many years of work and use.

Merlin was unconscious for a few hours. After a while, his eyes fluttered open and immediately his head pounded violently. He looked around, his vision slowly came back. He looked around and saw his wrists. He immediately started struggling,

"Get me out of this now! Untie me!" Non of the knights moved and Merlin began to struggle against the tight ropes. Merlin grit his teeth and yelled,

"Dammit, untie me now!!" All the knights looked at the angry brunette and sighed. Arthur spoke first,

"Sorry Merlin, but you have to stay here, but just until we defeat Morgona!" Merlin's face paled and he hissed,

"Have you all gone mad?! She'll kill you all! Untie me and let me do what's necessary!" Lancelot snapped slightly and yelled,

"What's necessary?! So in your eyes, your almost ultimate death is necessary?!" Merlin almost immediately yelled back,

"Yes! My death is necessary for the protection of Camatin and Camelot! Now do what is necessary and LET ME DIE!" All the knights stared at Merlin, an angry and almost hateful look in his eyes. Merlin scoffed angrily and looked to the side, completely avoiding eye contact with everyone. All the knights felt like crap, but it was the only way. After all, they were knights. They were replaceable and expendable. Merlin's head suddenly shot to the side and he was looking at all the knights now, a look of sadness and surprise in his eyes.

"That's what you all think?" The knights looked at him and Merlin continued,

"You all really believe that?! That as knights, your expendable and easily replaced?!" All the knights eyes widened and Merlin scoffed again,

"I don't need magic to know what your all thinking you idiots! How can you think that?! You are the protectors to the weak, people look up to you! You have your duties, I have mine! Now untie me and let me preform them!" All the knights shook their heads and Lancelot spoke,

"We are sorry Merlin, but we cannot allow you to get yourself killed in order to protect us." Merlin grit his teeth again and struggled more, the ropes biting into his available skin. All the knights packed up and Arthur said, looking towards the knights,

"Allow me to speak with Merlin, king to king. I will catch up with you all." Everyone nodded and climbed atop their horses. Once Arthur was sure the knights were a far enough distance, Arthur crotched down and Merlin looked away, almost instinctively. Arthur swallowed and looked down at the ground, then said,

"I'm sorry Merlin." Merlin scoffed and said,

"You lot shouldn't even have come! The original plan was for me to leave by myself at dawn, no one accompanying me. Me by myself against Morgona. Untie me now, and I may be able to stop Morgona!" Arthur sighed heavily and said, still looking at the ground,

"I'm sorry Merlin but your a sorcerer. You need to be safe!" Merlin yelled angrily,

"I'm a sorcerer, exactly! That's why I have a better chance at defeating Morgona! UNTIE ME!" Arthur sighed again and cupped Merlin's chin in his hand. The blonde leaned forward and pressed his lips to Merlin's. Merlin gasped slightly and Arthur pulled away.

"A good luck kiss, for your love will keep me safe." Merlin looked at the blonde in front of him and whispered weakly and full of pain,

"Arthur.." Arthur stood and climbed onto his horse, then started to trot off without another word or look. Merlin watched Arthur disappear, the fog spell was still in effect so Merlin wouldn't be spotted while the knights were gone, a single tear fell down his cheek as the hurting brunette whispered again,

""Arthur.. please come back... please."

Merlin's past and pain (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now