Chapter 1 First day of school

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Lance's POV:
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off and once I hit the snooze button I got up and stretched a little. "Lance, start getting ready. It's you and your sister's first day of high school." my mom called, "Alright mom, be down in a minute." I replied. I went to my closet and got my school uniform out. I got dressed and went downstairs where my twin sister, Alexis, was eating breakfast with mom and dad. I smelled pancakes and eggs and my mom had already set my breakfast at the table, "Thanks mom." I said then I started eating my breakfast. "Your father and I are going to be a little late tonight. Lance there's a frozen pizza in the freezer." my mom said, "Okay mom." me and my sister said. After we finished breakfast me and my sister grabbed our backpacks and said bye to our parents.

Alexis's POV:
"I can't wait to find out what classes I have." I said with excitement in my voice, "You said that ten minutes ago sis." said my twin brother Lance, "I know, but I can't help myself." I told him in response. We walked to the bus stop and once we got there, I saw our friends Mel, Vance, Luna, April, Phoenix, and Scott. When I saw Scott, I didn't realize that I started blushing until my brother pulled me out of my thoughts, "Um, sis are you okay?" my brother asked, "Y-yeah, I'm fine." I said. We went over to our friends and said hi to each other.

Phoenix's POV:
When Lance and Alexis walked over to me and the others, I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw Lance. 'He's as cute as ever.' I thought to myself, "Hey guys." said Lance, "Hey you two. How was your summer?" asked my big brother Scott, "It was good. It would have been better if you guys weren't out of town." said Lance. We talked for a while to catch up with each other than our bus arrived and we got on and took seats. I would have sat with Lance but he sat down with his twin sister Alexis. It took a little while to get to school but when we did, I didn't know what would happen after school at all.

Scott's POV:
Once we got off the bus, we went to the front of the school to wait for the doors to open so we could get to our home room class to start off the day. I had my earbuds in listening to some music and I felt like I was being stared at, and apparently, I was being stared at by all of the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior girls. I didn't understand why they were staring at me but one of the girls who was staring at me walked over to me and my friends. "Excuse me." she said, "Yeah?" I asked, "Um, my name is Iris and um, I was wondering if you'd like to be friends." said Iris, "Um, sure. By the way my name's Scott, Scott Lycan." I said. I held out my hand to shake hands with Iris when I sensed something coming right at me. I turned around and caught a rock that was thrown at me. "Who threw a rock at me?" I asked, nobody said anything then I sighed and dropped the rock to the ground. "You have some pretty fast reflexes." said Iris, "Thanks. Um, look I have to go now. Maybe we can talk at lunch." I said. After that, the bell rung and the doors opened up allowing everyone to go inside to get to their home room class.

Vance's POV:
When I found my locker, I used the combination to unlock my locker. After that I went to my home room which was the same one as Mel, Luna, and April's home room. I sat down in the back of the classroom and waited for the teacher to show up. "Did you hear what happened out front?" I heard someone ask, "Yeah I did. That Scott Lycan guy managed to catch a rock that someone threw at him." said the other person. "I can't believe that mongrel caught the rock I threw at him." I heard someone else say in a low and mischievous voice. And since my mom is a Meifwa, I have really good hearing. "Don't worry we'll make sure that freak doesn't become alpha male." said another person in the same manner as the other one. 'Why would those guys do that to Scott?' I asked myself. After the bell rung again our home room teacher came in and took attendance, "Alright, welcome to your first year here at Phoenix Drop High. In a hour we will be going to the gymnasium for the school social where you will be able to learn about our after school extracurricular activities and clubs that you can join." said the teacher. "I almost forgot. My name is Mr. Rhodes and I will be your home room teacher for the school year." said Mr. Rhodes.

Mel's POV:
I saw Vance reading a book to pass the time until our home room class could go to the school social. I took out my sketch book and started drawing anime characters. 'Maybe I can talk with Vance at the school social.' I thought to myself. Ever since I met Vance when we were kids, I didn't really think that highly of him, but over the years I ended up drawing pictures of him and me. I even wrote a story about me and him as well. I was lost in thought when Luna tapped my shoulder to get my attention. "Mel, are you listening? Mel." said Luna, "Huh, what was that?" I asked, "You were thinking of Vance again, weren't you?" Luna asked, "Meep. I mean no." I lied, but I felt my face turn red, "Uh-huh, well if you weren't thinking of Vance, then why are you drawing a picture of the two of you?" Luna asked me. I looked at my sketch book and saw what Luna was talking about. "Meep." I said nervously, "I'm just teasing you, Mel. I was just trying to see if you were listening." said Luna.

April's POV:
While Luna was talking with Mel, I was reading my book 'Along came a dragon' and I was almost done with the first chapter. "Everyone may I have your attention please?" said Mr. Rhodes, I put my bookmark in my book then closed it. "In just twenty minutes you will be going to the gymnasium for the school social." said Mr. Rhodes, I read the schools pamphlet about all of their extracurricular activities and clubs that I could sign up for, but I couldn't make up my mind about which one to sign up for.

Phoenix's POV:
I was sitting at my desk waiting to go to the school social so I could see what kind of extracurricular activity or club I wanted to sign up for. I guess I started fidgeting because a werewolf boy who sat three desks behind me threw a balled up piece of paper at my head. He smirked in a really mean way when he got me with the balled up paper. "What's his deal?" I asked myself quietly so no one would hear me, I guess I inherited my mom's nervous habit of getting too worked up because my mind started coming up with different reasons about why that werewolf boy threw that paper at me. "Hey, leave her alone man." said Lance, who was sitting right behind me. "Whatever." said the werewolf boy in annoyance, "Thanks Lance." I said, "Don't mention it Phoenix." said Lance. I smiled and I guess Lance saw me smile because he told me that I have a really cute smile. I started blushing a little when he said that so I turned around and since I was in home room, I had to let my fangirl self out in my head, 'HE SAID THAT MY SMILE IS CUTE! OH MY IRENE!!'

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