Chapter 3 A new Friend

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(This new character that is being brought forth was created by @RhiaNeedham. This is a shout out to RhiaNeedham, thanks for sending me your OC's name. If anyone else wants to have a OC in this story let me know by leaving your OC's name, age, gender, species, hair color, eye color, and their likes and dislikes in the comments below.)

The Next Day
Lance's POV:
I was looking in my mirror and saw my scar over my left eye which was the price I paid when I saved Phoenix the other day from those bastards. It wasn't too bad, even though I got hurt I'm just glad that Phoenix is okay. "Lance, your going to be late." my mom called, "Be right down." I replied. I grabbed my backpack and my jacket then went downstairs where my twin sister was waiting for me, "About time." Alexis said to me, "Have a good day you two." said mom. My sister and I said bye to our mom and dad then left to get to the bus stop in time. When Alexis and I got to the bus stop I saw Phoenix and she looked worried.

Phoenix's POV:
"I hope Lance is alright." I said to myself, "Don't worry sis, I'm sure Lance is fine." said my big brother Scott, "Hey guys." called Lance and Alexis, they walked over to me and the others. I saw Lance and I rushed over to him and gave him a hug, "I was so worried about you Lance." I said with a few tears rolling down my face, "Don't worry Phoenix, I'm alright." Lance told me as he hugged me back and he wiped my tears off my face which was really nice of him. When I looked at his face I saw his scar over his left eye, "Your scar doesn't even look noticeable." I said, "It doesn't?" Lance asked, "Not really. Even I can't tell you have a scar man." said Scott, Lance smiled and so did I. I'm glad that Lance is alright and his scar makes him even more cute than he was before. 'Should I tell him how I feel about him?' I thought to myself.

???'s POV:
I walked over to the bus stop and I noticed some people talking to each other. I walked over to them and one of them saw me, "Hi there." she said, "Hi." I said back, "What's your name?" she asked me, "My name's Sunflower. What's your's?" I replied, "My name's Alexis. It's nice to meet you." said Alexis, "It's nice to meet you too." I said. "So whose your new friend sis?" asked a guy who looked like Alexis, "I'm Sunflower." I said, "Nice to meet you Sunflower. My name's Lance and you already met my twin sister Alexis." said Lance, "You two are twins?" I asked, "Yeah we are. Even though my brother can be really annoying sometimes, we still care about each other." said Alexis. "That's true." said another person, "Hi, my name's Scott Lycan, and this is my sister Phoenix Lycan." said Scott, "I'm Sunflower. It's really nice to meet you all." I said. Me and my new friends talked for a while and had a few laughs and a great time while we were waiting for our bus.

Alexis's POV:
While Sunflower, me, and the others were talking our bus finally came to take us to school, "Hey Lance, I'm going to sit with Sunflower today." I said to my brother, "Sure sis." said Lance. "Lance, um, d-do you um, w-want t-to sit with me?" Phoenix asked, "Sure Phoenix." said Lance, 'OOOH! I can totally ship them. Hehehe!' I thought to myself. While Lance and Phoenix sat down together me and Sunflower found out that we both ship my twin brother and Scott's little sister, "We can make a shipping shrine like the one my aunt Kawaii-Chan told me about." I told Sunflower, "Sounds like a plan to me." Sunflower said. And throughout the whole ride to school Sunflower and I were coming up with a ship name for Lance and Phoenix and we planned on making a shipping shrine at one point to pray to the shipping gods.

Time Skip
Scott's POV:
I was walking walking to my home room class when I saw the same two morons who tried to hurt Alexis the other day. I growled at them and when they saw me they turned tail and ran like their lives depended on it. "Bastards." I said to myself, "You alright Alexis?" I asked, "Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for the save Scott." said Alexis as she went to the same home room as I was in, and I saw Alexis sitting next to Sunflower, who we met this morning at the bus stop. I sat down at my desk and waited for home room to start. "Hey pal, your in my seat." someone said to me, "I don't see your name on it." I said, "Who cares. Get out of my seat now or else." he said, "Or else what?" I said. "Don't you know who I am?" he asked, "Why should I know who you are? Your just a jerk who doesn't care about anyone but yourself." I said to him. "That's no way to talk to your alpha." he said, "Oh, so your the bastard who threw the rock at me yesterday. You know something, you don't even know who I am do you?" I said, "Who the hell cares?" he growled, I sighed then I got up and looked the bastard in the eyes "My name is Scott Lycan." I said, "Wait, Lycan. As in Lycan Home Entertainment?" he asked, "Yeah, and my dad was the alpha when he went to school here." I said, "Wait, y-your dad. Oh crap." he said, "Yeah." I said then I grabbed him by his collar and threw him out the window with minimum force because I'm an Ultima like my dad so I have to be careful with my strength. "Whoa, look, Dominic has been beaten. We have a new Alpha." said one of the werewolf students. I walked over to the ex-alpha to make sure he was still breathing, luckily he was. "You'll pay for this, freak." said Dominic, "Whatever." I said as Dominic's lackeys came over and helped him up. "I really hate people who act like bastards." I said as I walked back into my home room class and sat down.

Time Skip Lunch
Mel's POV:
When the bell finally rang for lunch I went to find my friends so we could eat lunch together. I met up with Luna and April who were waiting for me at our lockers. "Mel did you hear the news?" Luna asked me, "What news?" I asked, "Scott's the new alpha." said April. I was surprised to hear that, "When did that happen?" I asked, "This morning. Scott fought the old alpha, Dominic, and won." said Luna, 'Wow, who knew Scott could do that?' I thought to myself. "Hey guys." said Vance and when I saw him I think I started day dreaming again, "H-hey V-Vance." I said nervously and I realized that I was turning beat red.

Time Skip End of School
Phoenix's POV:
I went to my locker to get a few things before I went home, and when I was just about to start going to the front of the school to meet up with my brother and our friends someone knocked me out ad everything went dark. When I finally woke up I found myself tied to a chair and that my mouth was taped shut. "Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to wake up. Had a nice nap bitch?" someone said in a very cruel way. "Mmm." I mumbled but since my mouth was taped shut I couldn't say anything. "Time to have some fun with you bitch." said the same person and when he came into view I finally saw who it was, Dominic, the old alpha male who was dethroned by my older brother Scott.

Lance's POV:
"Any luck?" I asked my sister and our friends as we met at the gymnasium from searching the school for Phoenix, "No, nothing." said Vance, "I couldn't find any sign of her either." said Luna, "I don't understand why Phoenix didn't show up outside." I said. Then I felt something in my heart as if I could feel Phoenix's presence nearby and that she was terrified by something. "Follow me." I said and that's what they did, we went down to the boiler room and that's when we saw Phoenix tied to a chair and covered in cuts and bruises. I ran over to her and took off the tape that covered her mouth, "Phoenix wake up." I said and Phoenix slowly opened her eyes and saw me, her brother and her friends. "L-Lance... H-he d-did th-this... t-to m-me." Phoenix said weakly, I cut the rope that was keeping Phoenix tied to the chair and picked her up bridal style. "It's about time you assholes showed up." I heard someone say and then I saw the old alpha, Dominic and he was covered in some of Phoenix's blood. "Scott, take your sister and the others and get Phoenix to a hospital." I said as I carefully handed Scott his little sister, after they left I faced Dominic and my eyes started glowing again, "Catch me if you can freak." said Dominic as he ran from me. I chased him down and he lead me to the sports field where I got my scar when I was protecting Phoenix yesterday. "You'll pay for what you did you bastard!" I yelled and I rushed towards Dominic and he got out of the way and I ended up making a hole in the side of the school building. I pulled myself out of the hole and looked at Dominic and growled. "Try and get me freak." Dominic said then I moved faster than Dominic expected and I punched him in his stomach and sent him flying into the soccer net.

Time Skip
Phoenix's POV:
When I woke up I saw a few machines and my mom and dad looking at me. "Phoenix thank Irene your alright." my mom said as she gave me a gentle hug, "Wh-where's Lance?" I asked, "Look for yourself baby girl." my dad said as he pointed to the chair next to my hospital bed. "Hey." said Lance, "Hey." I said back, "How are you feeling?" Lance asked, "A little better." I replied then I saw that Lance's arm was in a sling. "What happened to your arm?" I asked, "I kinda broke it. But since we're werewolves we heal faster than humans do. Um, no offense to any of our aunts and uncles who are human." said Lance. I smiled and so did Lance, he used his other hand to hold mine and we felt a spark in our hearts. "Lance, promise me that you'll always protect me." I said, "I promise that I'll always protect you Phoenix. No matter what." said Lance.

Time Skip Back to School
Alexis's POV:
After what happened yesterday my twin brother's arm was still in a sling but at least both he and Phoenix are okay. "You ready to go sis?" asked Lance, "Yeah I'm ready." I said, we said bye to our parents and went to the bus stop so we could talk to our friends until the bus came to pick us up. "Alexis, hey." called Sunflower, "Hey, Sunflower." I said, "I heard what happened. Is your brother okay?" asked Sunflower, "Yeah he's fine." I said.

Scott's POV:
"Phoenix take it easy okay." I said, "I know Scott." said Phoenix, I saw Lance and so did Phoenix, "Hey Lance." I said, "Hey Scott, hey Phoenix." said Lance, "Lance I want to thank you for helping my sister again." I said. "It's no problem Scott. Besides I made your sister a promise that I'll always protect her." said Lance, "I really appreciate it man." I said. Once our bus came we got on and went to school, 'At least Lance promised Phoenix to always protect her. They make a great couple.' I thought to myself.

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