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"A wise girl kisses, but doesn't love. Listens, but doesn't believe. And leaves, before she is left..."


As soon as his hand collided with my face I fell back onto my butt from the force. I wasn't just shocked, I was stunned. He was in the same position, not believing he did that. But I was watching him closely, I was petrified. He came closer to help me but I backed up hitting my back against the wall with wide eyes.

"Princess..." He says seeming hurt. He should be! I heard loud footsteps rushing down the stairs taking in the scene. Calum and Michael go over pulling Ashton away and Luke comes over to help me up. I flinch under his touch but I let him and he hugs me tight.

"I'm so sorry baby," Luke says rubbing my back as I started to cry. I then felt angry,

"Let go!" I hear Ashton shout at the two boys. I pulled out of Luke's embrace gaining confidence. "Let me talk to her!" I hear him shout again.

"Ashton." I call grabbing his attention. "You've not only betrayed my trust once, but twice. I love you so much but you always seem to hurt me, and this time you took it too far. I try to be there for you, and make you happy, but I'm so done with you." I say quietly as he stays quiet as tears are visible in his eyes. I laughed coldly as I waited an answer but I walked up the stairs of their house and grabbed my bag making sure I had everything and walked back down the stairs.

"Bye Ashton," I say looking back at him sitting on the couch speechless and I walk towards the door I hear him get up but the guys stop him from following me. I let out another sob as I hear him thrash against them yelling at me to come back and not to leave him. My heart broke just a little bit more, but honestly I'm scared to be with him, scared to love him. I just need to give up. But giving up doesn't mean I don't love him, it just means I need to let go. I look back again before walking out the door. I didn't have a ride so I had to walk a few miles home, at 10 o'clock at night, alone and upset. I continuously wiped tears off my face and walked down the side walk. What killed me the most is I'm scared of him, scared of the person I love, scared of the boy who everyone thinks is so sweet and adorable.

I heard footsteps quickly hitting the ground behind me until a broken looking Ashton appeared in front of me and holding my shoulders stopping me from walking. I flinched under his grip and he looked hurt as he released me,

"Please, I'm so sorry. Just, please don't leave me." He begs

"I can't, you need to let go. I've told you everything and I know things about you none of the guys know. But the time I ask to see if your ok, you go off on me. Goodbye." I say softly walking around him leaving him standing there. I didn't hear him follow me, so I kept walking. Honestly, I didn't feel like walking, so I pulled out my phone pressing his contact and putting the phone to my ear.

"Can you please come and get me? I'm on Addison street." I say holding back a sob. He didn't question it and told me he would be here in a few minutes. He didn't live far, he had his own apartment, also it was summer anyways. I found a bench on the corner and sat there alone in the darkness waiting for my best friend. I put my head in my hands trying to calm myself before he got here,

"What's wrong?!" Jay asks sounding concerned and I lift my head from my hands trying to look at him but i could only see his silhouette.

"Can I just stay with you tonight?" I ask quietly. My voice sounded strained from the yelling earlier and Jay nodded immediately walking over to his car parked at the curb opening the door for me. I got in and waited for him to drive off, once he did I just allowed quiet tears to stream down my face.

"What happened love?" He asks stopping at a red light and looking over to me. I just shake my head refusing to answer without looking at him, I knew if I did I would only upset myself further. He didn't say anything as he drove off, the ride was silent until I decided to spill,

"He hit me" I said quietly. This got Jays attention immediately nearly driving the car off the road.

"What?!" He nearly yells making me flinch. I was still shaken up from before and he wasn't helping. He mumbled a line of cuss words under his breath as he pulled into a parking space. We walked into the building and into his apartment. He didn't say anything, he just led me into his small guest room handing me an extra blanket. But before he walked out he pulled me into a hug resting his chin on my head,

"We can talk about it tomorrow, or whenever you want. Just call for me if you need me, I don't care what time it is. Ok?" Jay says releasing me and sending me a small smile walking out the door,

"Love you Jay," I mumble before he leaves. He was my best friend and I always said this to him because I do, it's okay to love someone not relationship wise.

"I love you too" he laughs lightly walking out of the room. "Here, you can wear these" he says handing me a pair of his sweat pants walking out again. I changed in the bathroom and got under the covers, I just stared up do the ceiling, thinking. What did I look like in Ashton's eyes? Am I someone he never truly cared about? A small girl he could push around and manipulate? I felt more tears thinking back to when he cheated on me, that hurt me more that when he hit me. Nothing hurts more than seeing that, being lied to. I turned onto my side closing my eyes letting the tears fall again and falling asleep just like that.

Looking the part of broken,

Working For That Happy Ending. (Sequel to Drum Sticks And Bass Guitars)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang