Forever Eighteen.

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"Bipolar means I'm happy, sad, excited, angry, depressed, and scared all at the same time. I'm just not sure how to feel when I'm around you..."


After I threw on a shirt and some jeans, along with a SnapBack, not bothering with makeup as I was reminded not to, Michael pulled me off the bus, and into a yellow taxi. As he blabbed on about today, and the memories I've had with the guys since I've been on tour with them. I totally spaced out. Hearing only every other word that fell from his lips.

Ashton hasn't come out of the lounge, it's all my fault. For all I know he could have done something worse, or cut deeper. I swallowed harshly. I'm such a screw up! I can't do anything right to save my life! Or anyone else's in that case... I end up turning a great thing into a horrible one with only my presence, it seemed like. Just think about it.

I'm on tour with my idols! Thousands, no. Millions of girls would be dying to be in the place I'm in. And I'm not even grateful. I'm practically living the dream *note the sarcasm* I've basically broken a once happy, and smiling person, turning them back to face their old habits. Back to where their comfort came from a cold, unforgiving blade.

Not to mention how much I love him. Even if I couldn't admit it to him after every mistake we have both made. And his mistakes made me build a wall to block him out, even if it hasn't worked. Because he came back and knocked it down.

"Hannah?" Michael asks looking at me. I shake my head slightly, pushing my thoughts away. "We are here"

I nodded, not saying anything as I realized the car was at a stop. I stepped out, facing a huge shopping center. Michael started chuckling as he pulled a beanie over his head, to cover his hair, the thing that would definitely give him away if a fan saw. I mean have you seen anyone else with that hair? No. I didn't think so.

We walked around for awhile, having no source of direction.

"You do know that sooner or later I'm gonna make you to into a store. So let's go," he said taking my wrist into his grip, lightly pulling me behind him. Weaving between people until I found myself in a 'forever twenty one.' What a lovely surprise... Not.

I might as well make the most of today, maybe something good will come out of it... I guess it's better than letting my mind wander a great distance from where I was standing. I started sifting through the racks of girly clothes, with the little hope of a good day bouncing off the walls in my head.

"I know you don't want to spend too much. But I don't care. At the least buy one outfit. And I need you to get something to wear to the concert today." Michael spoke from behind me. Why do I need something for tonight? I ignored my own thoughts, as I aimlessly grabbed an armful of dresses, walking into the dressing rooms, leaving Michael to sit on the chair just outside the cubical I was in.

I had taken at least seven dresses and I slipped the first one on. I looked in the mirror, not recognizing the smaller figure that stood before me. I had dropped a size or so... So the perfect light pink dress, fell baggy onto my figure. Making me sigh as I grabbed the other dresses, knowing they wouldn't fit either.

I didn't bother taking the dress I was wearing off just yet as I handed Michael the dresses, "put these back, and get me any dresses you want with a size or so smaller." I spoke to him. A sparkle of amusement showed as he skipped away, not literally, but with the smile on his face he might as well have.

I was bored out of my mind by the time Michael came back. Both arms were draped with dresses of all kinds. Ones with flowers, lace, all different colors and lengths. You name it, he had it. They were shoved into my arms wile a smirk was shown evidently on his face. I peeled off the oversized dress, and chose another.

Standing more confidently in front of one of my best friends, twirling around in a dress I already knew I looked ridiculous in made a smile form on my face. I tried on several more before pulling on one of the last few dresses remaining on the rack.

I laughed looking at my image in the full length mirror, I didn't look like myself. I took of my hat, fixing my hair. The short, white, all lace dress fit perfectly.

An inpatient cough sounded from the other side of the door. So I rolled my eyes, unlatching it and stepping out. Michael smiled,

"I'd say yes, to that dress." He said laughing at his own joke. I rolled my eyes, allowing him to leave me again. After arguing further about spending money on me. And it didn't work at all because the reason he left was to get shoes, and jewelry to accompany the perfect dress I was in.

I sat on the stool, starring at my reflection across the hall, and my own feet our of boredom as I kicked them back and forth. Mike came back with several boxes of shoes, placing them in front of me and sat beside the stool I was in, on the chair he sat in just minutes prior.

I strut down the long hallway between cubicles for what felt like the hundredth time, only to sit down one last time, slipping off the boring pair of black wedges I just had. Switching them for brown and black heels with flowers. I loved them. I also agreed to wear a black, long, cross necklace were it stopped at my belly button. And a silver studded bracelet on my left wrist.

I waited behind Michael as he paid for my stuff, and I was glad when I didn't hear the total. Thank god for the irritating teenage girls behind me, gossiping away and boys at their school I couldn't care less about, but was unable to push their annoyingly loud conversation away.

Once we left the store, I just walked beside him, not knowing where he was leading me to. But suddenly the bag was handed to me, as I was shoved towards the door of a bathroom in the food court. I looked back at him, only to be pushed further,

"Hurry up, we need to eat before we leave. And if you don't hurry, we will be late" he says. So I obeyed, stepping into the dirty mall bathroom and changing in a record time. Placing the clothes I was wearing before, into the bag.

Surprisingly I didn't stumble one bit, making to the mirror and fixing myself before being interrupted.

"Wow." Someone spoke, coming beside me, and turning on the faucet, washing their hands. "A bit over dressed for the mall?" They joked. "But you look very beautiful" they complimented.

"Thanks..." I said feeling confused. I turned to look at the person, and her features lit up slightly.

"Your Hannah, aren't you? Sorry I'm a huge fan of 5 Seconds Of Summer" a girl around my age said with short dark brown hair, that could've been mistaken as black, and brown eyes. She was very pretty... After a moment, I nodded, mirroring the smile she had. She asked for a picture, so I quickly did. Before walking out.

Totally not weird taking a picture in a bathroom with a person I've never spoken to before...

I spotted Michael sitting at a table next to PandaExpress eating, of course. I walked over, taking the chair across from him. He slid a Styrofoam container to me, I just starred at it. And after getting a hard, yet concerned, look from the black and red haired boy in front of me I ate.

While getting into another taxi I was informed it would be a long ride, so I sat back watching the city fly past my window. I checked and it was around 2pm when the car came to a stop. My door was opened and I met Luke's blue eyes, taking his hand and getting out of the car after saying goodbye and thanks to Michael.

I walked inside, behind Luke and followed him into the oh so familiar salon. Sitting in a chair, directly beside the one he chose to sit in.

"Happy birthday!" Someone called from the back. I smiles, standing up and being embraced into a comforting hug.

Working For That Happy Ending. (Sequel to Drum Sticks And Bass Guitars)Where stories live. Discover now