My Fault.

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"I miss you, but your right beside me. And I miss you because we aren't together like how we used to be, how I want us to be, how I need us to be..."


Honestly, I woke up thinking a prank would be played on me, but to my surprise, I woke without an alarm, whipped cream on my face, or a mustache drawn on me. But I did forget that the top of the bunk was there, so when I got up, I hit my head pretty hard. I'm just that smart *note the sarcasm*... I pulled my curtain back, about to jump down when I realized no one was awake yet, so I quietly hopped down.

"Hannah?" Someone whispered, I looked around and saw Michael sitting in his bunk, wide awake.

"Hey bae," I joked, letting a smile slip onto my face. "C'mon, let's sit in the front." I suggest. He jumps up, walking quickly into the other room. I reached to fix my hair when I saw the butterfly on my arm again, it had faded slightly, from when I showered. Right now, it seemed to be freshly drawn, Ashton probably did it in the middle of the night, that's sweet.

I went in the other room, sitting beside Michael as he started a game of FIFA. I didn't want to play, so I rejected his invitation, leaning on his shoulder, watching him play. I suddenly felt very tired, like a minute ago I wasn't, and I felt hungry.

I went over, getting a water bottle, and drank it quickly, hoping to rid myself of the hunger. I think it's been, 3 days, I think so. And I didn't think I would be changing the habit anytime soon, and I bet the other guys have forgotten about it anyways.

Before going to sit with Mikey again, I grabbed my iPod and turned it on loudly, but not enough that other people could hear. I sat beside him, leaning back on the couch, and crossing my arms. It didn't seem like Michael noticed me leaving, or coming back. So, I just closed my eyes listening Pierce The Veil.

. . .

"Gosh Mikey, what did you do to the poor girl?"

"I can hear her music, were you that annoying?" I could just barely overhear voices of the other boys joking around with Michael. I kept my eyes closed, hoping to get more sleep, seeming that I don't feel any different than when I fell asleep. An ear phone was pulled from my ear, I look and Calum was listening to music, with a smile.

"I love them, do you like Sleeping With Sirens?" He asks, I nod smiling back. Without warning, he placed an arm around me, pulling me close to him. I laughed, cuddling into his side. Michael and Luke sat on the chairs across from us, and Michael was scrolling through his phone.

But Michael's face went from neutral, to pale. He swallowed hard before typing something, them is heard Luke's phone go off. Then he looked concerned, as well as Michael. The two of them would often exchange quick glances, then return to their phones. What on earth? I pulled my earphone out, offering it to Calum, he sent me a strange look, but took it anyways. I sat up, and went over to where Luke was. He hadn't noticed, so I got his attention,

"Whatcha looking at?" I ask, trying to look at it. He just clicked the power button, placing his phone on his lap.

"Nothing, just on Instagram." He says, flashing a fake smile.

"Oh, let me see." I say reaching for the phone, he snatches it away, shaking his head. "Luke, seriously, what is so bad?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows together in curiosity and confusion.

"It's fine." He insisted. I just relaxed slightly, and when he focused on the television, I grabbed the chance, and took his phone. I ran to the back, turning it on. He wasn't on Instagram, he was on vine. A post showed up,

Poor Ashton. It read. My heart dropped. And I took the phone, walking into the bunks, quickly waking up Ashton.

"What? What's going on?" He asks sleepily, wiping his eyes.

"I'm so sorry," I said. This caught his attention, he got down from the bed, standing beside me. I opened vine again, and let him see.

"Ashton, do you even hear yourself!? Your the one who cuts himself!" My voice rang through the phone. I shut it off, after that.

"I'm sorry Ashton, it's all my fault." I said feeling terrible.

"It's okay, everything will be fine." He says wrapping me into a hug.

Working For That Happy Ending. (Sequel to Drum Sticks And Bass Guitars)Where stories live. Discover now