Hearts Upon Our Sleeve. ❤️

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"Some people are meant to be in love, but not meant to be together..."


I woke up this morning and dragged myself out of my bunk, all the others were empty. Did I sleep that late that everyone else is up?

"We have hardly anything so far!" Someone shouts in frustration. I sighed, walking towards the front of the bus. I saw the four boys sprawled out across the chairs and couch, with crumbled notebook paper in jumbles across the floor.

"What on earth..." I say breathlessly. Ashton sat up, which in his case, was slightly more difficult considering he was sitting upside down.

"Sorry, we have to write a new song." Calum says biting the end of the pen he was holding in his hand looking down at the note pad. I laughed, sitting between him and Ashton, and looking at the paper.

There's a part of my heart that you'll never change.

There's a dream so alive, it's an endless flame.

And you can't keep us down, 'cause we'll always come back again.

For the highs and the lows, for the rise and falls.

"Well, what's it about?" I ask looking up.

"It's a football song, for the FIFA World Cup..." Michael explains. I was just kinda thinking for a long time, as the others threw ideas at each other, not getting very far.

"I have an idea for the chorus... I think" I say unsure, causing their heads to turn towards me. "I don't know-"

"Say it!" Luke shouts impatiently

"We've been through a thousand heartbreaks, but you know we still believe, something something, and our hearts upon our sleeve" I say "I don't know what to say between that." I admit. They looked shocked, stunned almost. I sunk down in my seat slightly, feeling uncomfortable,

"That's perfect!" Ashton says happily, hugging me from the side.

"Except for the 'something something' part" Michael says and I roll my eyes at him.

"Hey, go get ready, we are going to the radio show soon." Calum tells me

"So basically you all waited until the last second... So surprised." I say sarcastically walking off to get changed "oh, and for the Pre-Chourus, try the world is at our feet. It just sounds good." I called out.

"Okay guys, I'm finished. How's the-"

"Luke!? Is that my underwear?" Calum shouts at Luke.

"OH DEAR LORD! IVE GONE BLIND!" I screeched. So pretty much, the guys were sitting around in their underwear. Horrific laughter started as I covered my eyes.

"Haha, you can look now," Ashton assures. I looked and he was dressed, only him. And, Calum had shown his arse to me. I screeched again, shielding my eyes just like before.

"What has been seen, cannot be unseen." I say sighing.

"I think a better idea would to sit in the back..." Ashton trails off, putting an arm around me, guiding me to the lounge. "It's safe now." He chuckles, I slowly take my hands off my eyes, seeing that it is, indeed alright.

"But in all seriousness, why does Calum own bright pink underwear? and why would Luke take them?" I ask dumbfounded. His laughing continued until his face became neutral again, then a smile.

"You look so beautiful today" he compliments, I blushed, but before I could say anything the others were calling us because we arrived at the radio show.

Working For That Happy Ending. (Sequel to Drum Sticks And Bass Guitars)Where stories live. Discover now