The Prince's Fall

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A/N:: I'm not one hundred percent sure which manager does what and their exact names, so I'm just going to make things up a bit! I may have changed a few things such as Grand Hit Entertainment.


Taehyung opened his drowsy eyes and began propping himself up before he felt a sharp pain in his head causing him to stop and lie down again. He couldn't 100% tell where he was, but judging from the bright, clean area around him and the quietness of the sound-proof room, he was at a hospital.

He instinctively groped around for his phone with one hand while the other rubbed circles on his forehead, trying to ease the incessant thudding. He checked the time as soon as he successfully found his phone and gaped.

1:36 pm * Saturday

Taehyung had never slept in this late before in a while, except for the few times when he was desperate enough to take 30 minute naps at 1:00 pm while going from one schedule to another. What was he doing here in the hospital in the middle of the day when he should be at the studio practicing for the concert tomorrow? His memory of the day before was fuzzy and all he could remember was the concert that was held yesterday. He remembered the familiar deafening cheers and chants, the bright glow of the lightsticks, and-

And then it dawned on him. He had fainted towards the end of the concert while doing an encore performance, falling off the stage in the process. He recalled feeling a bit light-headed after they finished their last performance and the fans were shouting for another one. He had brushed it off because he figured he was just giddy and excited at all the hype that he should be used to by now but still isn't. He realized too late that this was not the case and things went downhill from there.

Taehyung groaned in disbelief. He couldn't believe he had actually fainted. He didn't regard himself as the weakest member of the group. Still, it was oddly quiet for his first time fainting in front of a large mass of people, and that made him feel a bit, well, lonely. He expected his manager hyungs and members to be crowding around him, asking if he was okay and the cold hard truth that they were probably busy with today's planned schedule hit him pretty hard. The thought of his members practicing without him, laughing and goofing off without him, planning things for their comeback without him, made him feel a bit weird in the stomach. But he pushed it away like he usually did and lightly coughed to clear his throat and mind. 

Suddenly, the door swung open and Taehyung was met with a startled manager. 

"Taehyung-ah, you woke up? Are you okay? I'm sorry I wasn't here, I just left to talk to the doctor so I wouldn't wake you up."

Taehyung's heart flooded with relief at the sight of Yoonjae and he managed to smile before replying, "I'm okay, hyung. What happened exactly yesterday? Where's everyone else?"

"The others are at the studio practicing. For our comeback stage in a few weeks. Uh, yesterday, you, uh, took quite a fall. How are your bruises? Do they still hurt?"

Taehyung honestly hadn't noticed the bruises until now. He looked down at his arms and legs and for the first time saw the cuts and purplish bruises all over him. 

"No, they don't hurt, I didn't even notice them 'till now," he answered honestly.

Yoonjae nodded, "That's good. Well, I'll text the others and let them know you're awake. We'll discuss things then."

"Wait, are they coming here? Why can't I meet them at the studio? It's not that serious, I can get discharged. We don't really need to discuss anything except ways to hide the bruises," Taehyung asked in confusion, already dreading the response from the manager.

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