Return of Min Suga

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Things continued like that for a few more days. Jimin, Jungkook, and I would watch a movie, play a game, or do any other inside activity then proceed to take a nap followed by food and another nap. Sure, I loved the cuddling, despite my aching bruises, with either Jimin or Jungkook, but I was dreadfully bored. The only sun I received was from the large glass windows in the living room, or the extremely occasional breath of fresh air from the back garden which only lasted for about twenty minutes. Even when I voiced my opinion, the two brats responded the same way.

"Tae, do you not like cuddling with me? I even let you sleep with me at night!" Jimin whined, pouting his lips.

I stole a glance over at Jungkook who had a similar expression on and groaned. 

"You know that's not what I mean. I'm grateful that you guys let me be clingy, but I'm going to suffocate at this rate! I'm going to die of vitamin C deficiency I'm telling you!!" I ranted as I crossed my arms in annoyance. 

"I know, but you heard the orders, you can't leave the dorm for the first month. You still have like three weeks to go, Taehyung-ah," Jimin sighed.

I looked down in disappointment although I knew the answer all along. Yes, Jimin was laid back and cool, but when it come to serious issues he was strict. 

"Sorry, Hyung," Jungkook murmured, offering a shy smile which I returned with a grim one.

All in all, I was relieved when I heard that the hyungs except for Namjoon-Hyung would finally arrive today. The more of us there were, the more fun we had. Heck, once we couldn't stop laughing for hours over a spoon

"I can't wait 'till they arrive! Finally, I've just realized how true the phrase 'the more the merrier' really is," I declared, happily tapping my toes as I waited by the door for their arrival. 


But that also means we'll spend less quality time just by ourselves. 

I couldn't help but think as Taehyungie-Hyung voiced his excitement. Don't get me wrong, I too was thrilled that our hyungs were coming back, but truth be told I was enjoying the laid-back, lazy cuddling sessions that we held every so often which was totally platonic in every way.

But V-Hyung never liked boring repetition. While I had just begun to settle into the routine, he was already waiting for the next change, anticipating. Was I too boring for V-Hyung? I made a mental note in the back of my mind to take him out to crazy places the moment he could escape from the dorms. 

Suddenly, the door flew open without a single warning, nearly knocking V-Hyung over who was hovering right up to it. 

"Oh, s- Taehyung-ah, sorry, didn't see you there," Suga-Hyung quickly apologized. 

But V-Hyung paid no mind, throwing himself onto his worried hyung, causing them to both nearly topple over. I immediately walked over and greeted Suga-Hyung, before carefully peeling V-Hyung off and lightly (possessively) tugging him away from the door so that Suga-Hyung could pass through with his luggage.

"Where's Jin-Hyung and Hobi-Hyung?" Taehyungie-Hyung asks, not even batting an eye when I wrapped my arms around his waist in a sort of back hug. Or so I presumed until he stiffened when I tightened my grip and craned his neck to look at me, the slightest blush adorning his cheeks which I couldn't really help but find really endearing. Biting back the urge to coo, I turned my attention to Suga-Hyung who was giving us a weird look. I quickly released my hold on Taehyungie-Hyung and stepped away, noticing the way his shoulders barely slumped and a small but very adorable pout formed on his lips. 

"Huh," Suga-Hyung scoffed, "More like where is Jungkook's self-control?" 

Instantly, my face begun to turn red, up to the tips of my ears, and I knew that if I risked looking over at Taehyungie-Hyung he would most likely be in the same state as well. 

"Haha, very funny, Hyung," I attempted to brush off the awkwardness. 

Yoongi-Hyung rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to say more when the literal angel Park Jimin came from nowhere and attacked him. 

"You're back!!! Finally, we have someone immune to TaeTae's pouts. I swear, if he pouted one more time I was about to break all the windows so he could have some more fresh air."

"Hyung, we all know that Suga-Hyung is not immune whatsoever," I pointed out in an amused manner. 

"Yeah, but he can give Tae a single glare and he'll shut up."

"True, but if Taehyungie-Hyung does it just one more time, he'll give in. He gives in faster than any of us," I retorted. 

And it was true. Suga-Hyung was thought of as the frigid, emotionless type, but really he was a huge softie. Of course when it came to work and music he never showed a single emotion, but outside of that he secretly enjoyed watching us act stupid and kept an eye on us to make sure we didn't go too far. He also secretly had a huge soft spot for Jimin-Hyung which nobody mentioned but everyone knew (except for Jimin-Hyung himself).

Jimin-Hyung nodded in defeat. "You're right, he's a huge softie." 

"Are they seriously discussing how lenient I am with you in front of us?" Suga-Hyung glared.

Taehyungie-Hyung just giggled. 

"Whatever. I'm tired, and I'm going to take a nap. Jin and Hobi got "delayed" (really they just wanted more time with their family), but they'll be here around the time Namjoon comes."

We all nodded as Suga-Hyung grumbled something in a low voice and sauntered off. 

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