Little Tree

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V-Hyung happily looked over my shoulder as I arranged the popcorn and other snacks on a large platter. He was obviously extremely excited about watching this animation that I knew would make me and Jimin-Hyung cry. Other than the bruise visibly seen on his exposed shoulder, (I was positive he was wearing over-sized clothing on purpose just to make me uncomfortable.) V-Hyung looked perfectly healthy. To think that under his blue, too-big-for-him sweater, he had a countless number of bruises, all which caused him so much pain he was forced to stay in the dorms.

At that thought, my face darkened, and I knew V-Hyung had noticed. He punched me as hard as he could, without hurting himself, on my arm while saying jokingly, "Hey, save the crying for the movie, okay?"

I glared at him only to earn a giggle. I was glad that even my depressed thoughts weren't enough to bring V-Hyung's mood down. It was refreshing seeing him like this, all playful and childish. He seemed...him again.  

While we waited for Jimin-Hyung, we played a dueling game on our phone in which the point was to win as many mini games as possible and beat your opponent. I refused to even take a glance at V-Hyung, knowing that the moment I did I would get distracted and lose. In the end, I won by a single point, and the overly competitive side of me was content. 

Just when we thought that Jimin-Hyung got abducted by fan girls, he finally came back. He turned on the TV and played the movie and, to my dismay, made V-Hyung scoot over so he could sit in the middle. I glanced over at V-hyung who looked like a kid with his cheeks stuffed with popcorn and his eyes wide with anticipation. I stifled a laugh at his cuteness and grinned, turning my attention back to the screen with a stoic expression when Jimin-hyung noticed. 


I was excited that we were watching this movie. I have always enjoyed watching anime in my free time, and just from the title I knew this was going to be good. The film was the kind where that was no dialogue and was about a young school teacher, whose face wasn't shown, struggling to make ends meet. No matter how hard she worked, things always seemed to occur that tore her down. From being unfairly accused of horrible deeds and having her pay cut down because of her gender to being betrayed by the one she loved and finding out about her mother's death, the schoolteacher was being attacked by life, yet she didn't cry and only sadly smiled. I was sure this film was created for the sole mission of making the viewer cry. It should have made me cringe, but instead I was dabbing at the corner of my eyes,  Jimin had fallen asleep, and I could hear Jungkook sniffling. Right near the middle of the movie, Jungkook paused it to drag Jimin to his room to sleep more comfortably. Once he returned, he plopped himself beside me, and I leaned against him, putting my arm around his shoulder.

There was no mention of any tree throughout the film until the climax. The schoolteacher had just gotten kicked out of her house for not being able to pay rent and she had had enough. She escaped into the forest the pent up tears hitting the ground when she collapsed in front of a large tree. The camera finally panned up to reveal her face and my breath hitched. Everything went silent and all that could be seen was the school teacher's worn but beautiful face with tears streaming down her violet eyes. Suddenly, there was a crack and the school teacher's head jerked up just as rain began to pour down. In front of her was a small tree, not a sapling, but a tree which branches that had been purposely cut off were now lying around it. A cloaked figure stood in front of it, with a twig in her hand that she threw down on the ground. The moment the twig fell, there was a loud boom of thunder and the school teacher gasped as the rain poured so hard she was obviously in pain. When the cloaked figure turned around, it was revealed that she looked exactly like the school teacher only with turquoise eyes. There was a brief flashback and it was shown that she was her twin sister that she dearly loved and had sent off to be married to some man. The twin sister's heart had been broken by that man when he cheated on her with another woman. Angry at her ex-husband, the twin sister had set off for revenge and came upon a book which told fantastical stories about a forest thriving where the twin sister used to live which trees held the life of those born there. The branches of the trees were the happy moments and the larger the tree the luckier the person was. Unfortunately, the twin sister had obviously chosen the wrong tree, and when she realized her fault it was much too late as she had already plucked the last remaining twig off. The twin sister stared in horror as the school teacher's eyes grew dull and every ounce of color drained out of her. She was alive, but her eyes were no longer the brilliant violet they once were but instead a dark gray. Despite the change, the hurt in her eyes was unmistakable.  

In the epilogue, the twin sister was shown to have become a school teacher at the school her sister had worked at. The next scene showed an image of the back of a woman, obviously the former school teacher, sitting at the stump of her tree. The camera began to turn, and the last scene of the movie showed a tiny sapling growing at the feet of the former school teacher whose eyes were a light purple and who had a small, sad smile on her face.

At this point, even I couldn't help the tears that streamed down my face. Our position had changed to where I was curled up like a ball, nestled in Jungkook's arms which were wrapped protectively around me. He was rubbing circles on my arm as if to comfort me when he was obviously crying himself. Tissues were piled around us, I had started hiccupping, and the popcorn was long gone, but neither of us made a move to get up. 

"That has to be the corniest movie I have ever seen," Jungkook declared after a few seconds of silence.

I nodded, yet my hiccups didn't stop. 

"It was corny..but that was so sad," I wailed after a brief pause. 

"Yeah..." Jungkook breathily agreed.

We stayed in that position for a few moments simply staring at a blank screen and not saying a word. When Jungkook tightened his hold on me and he was so close I could feel his breath on my forehead, that's when I realized the situation I was in.

I was cuddling with Jungkook, and his lips were literally a millimeter away from my forehead. When that finally registered, I abruptly got up. Jungkook must have just realized it too as he looked completely stunned. Running a hand through my hair, I let out a shaky chuckle as an attempt to lighten the awkward mood. 

"Hah..sorry, I'm just so used to hugging something when I'm watching a movie, or when I'm's usually a pillow, but I didn't see any aro.." I trailed off as I watched Jungkook glance at the numerous couch pillows lined up beside him.

Groaning in my head, I quickly corrected myself.

"I mean, it's usually the huge body pillow I have in my room not small cushions like those, you know, right? Yeah, so..uh...yeah," I stammered. I mentally slapped myself on the forehead for sounding like an idiot.

To my surprise, however, Jungkook just shrugged it off.

"Hyung, it's okay. I don't care. I mean, I'm used to it by now," he stated.

I felt warmth flood my cheeks as I realized that explaining myself only made it weirder. But I wasn't entirely wrong. Sure, I had back-hugged him, clung to him like a koala, and played with his hair on camera plenty of times, but the way that he held me, the tension that I felt when I thought he was going to kiss my forehead, I thought it felt different. Was it weird that my heart fell just a little when Jungkook basically suggested that he regarded that moment as something so generic that he would do it with any other hyung in public? I tried to conceal my obvious disappointment, but I must not have been one to be good at hiding my feelings at that moment as Jungkook seemed to immediately notice.

"What's wrong?" he asked in a worried tone.

I simply shook my head, muttered a small nothing, and flew off to the safety of my room.


I regretted my words as soon as I said them. I knew I wasn't wrong, V-Hyung did used to be pretty affectionate with me in front of the cameras, but I could tell that whatever had just happened was definitely different. The moment he had left, I released the breath I had been holding and let out a groan of frustration. I couldn't believe that just moments before I had actually contemplated whether or not to kiss V-Hyung's forehead. I had to be crazy. I've known him for years, and never before had I had this strong of an urge to be affectionate with him. 

It had to be that stupid movie. It made my heart go soft, and that's why I had those sudden feelings. I told myself that if it was Jimin-Hyung and not V-Hyung then I would have felt the same. But would I really? I knew the answer, and that was no as I would have let him hug me but I wouldn't have felt weird about it like I did with V-Hyung.

I got up, pushing my conflicting thoughts away, and headed to V-Hyung's room. 

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