My Pet, Jungkookie

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When I walked in, I found V-Hyung clutching a pillow in his arms with an adorable upset expression, staring at YeonTan's empty cage.

"Do you miss Yeontan?"I hesitantly asked, sitting beside him on his bed.

V-Hyung sighed and nodded, burying his face in his pillow. I couldn't help but smile endearingly at the cute act.

"Soonshim isn't here either, right?" I checked.

He nodded once more.

"Don't forget, you're the one that agreed to take Yeontan to that expensive pet vacation place along with everyone else's pets because of our comeback. You could have just kept it like Seokjin Hyung kept his sugar gliders. Can't you bring it back?" I reminded him.

V-Hyung shook his head, proceeding to fall headfirst into his covers and sighed once more, melting into the bed. He was obviously upset as he failed to point out that I called Yeontan "it" which he always reprimanded me for. I suppose, as he was very attached to the little puppy, he had the right to be upset, especially since there were no other pets in the house at the moment.

It seemed that he forgot the previous incident, to my relief, so I proceeded to lay on top of him, causing him to groan at my weight.

"Get up, Jungkook-ah, you're too heavy," he muttered, his voice muffled by the sheets.

"Just pretend I'm YeonTan," I replied, wriggling around in an attempt to get comfortable. 

"Jungkook. YeonTan is literally the size of my foot, so get off, I'm not letting you replace my Tannie," V-hyung whined.

"Fine then, I'll just be your newly adopted puppy Jungkookie," I snickered, sarcastically. 

However, when V-Hyung didn't laugh along and just remained oddly silent, I began to grow quiet.

"W-What?" I stuttered, growing nervous.

"Jungkook. Get off." V-Hyung firmly commanded in a low voice.

I immediately got off of him in confusion when suddenly he turned over on his back, grabbed my forearm, and with strength from who knows where pulled me down next to him.

"Sorry, was I hurting you?" I mumbled, trying to calm down my erratically beating heart and the burning of my cheeks.

"Yeah, you were. be quiet, puppies aren't supposed to talk. Isn't that right, Jungkookie?" he asked in a teasing voice, turning to face me, one hand resting on my waist and the other playing with my hair, petting it in a way.

I flushed a bright red as I realized he was really following through with my joke and I nodded slowly, keeping my mouth closed.

V-Hyung hummed in approval as he brought me closer and began to snuggle up to me, like one would with a very large dog. My heart stuttered and I nearly choked on my own spit. My thoughts flashed back to this morning and the almost forehead kiss after the movie. If Taehyungie-Hyung noticed my unnaturally racing heart, then he didn't mention it. Instead he began to squirm around until I realized he wanted me to hug him. So, without hesitation I wrapped him in my arms. His hands never left their original position, and the one on my head continued to play with my hair as his warmth and just the overall mood lulled me into a drowsy state of bliss. My eyes grew heavy, and I felt content, almost high on the sweetness of the moment and the smell of Taehyungie-Hyung's fragrant shampoo. Was it vanilla? Lavender? Honey? I wasn't entirely sure, but he smelled nice and...and soft. 

"Lavender Rose with a hint of vanilla, and I used honeysuckle-scented conditioner," Taehyungie-Hyung murmured, his voice muffled by my chest. 

"H-Huh?" I stammered, caught off guard for a moment by the abrupt comment. 

"You were sniffing my hair, you know," he explained, lifting his head from my chest to look at me.

Pretty. He really was handsome. I thought when I looked down at him. His eyes were half-closed, his long eyelashes brushing his cheeks. His lips were slightly parted and a little chapped which he quickly fixed with a swipe of his tongue. His darkish hair flopped endearingly over his face in some areas, and I noted that his hair was getting fairly long. 

"Earth to Jungkook?" Hyung's voice brought me back to reality. 

However, instead of replying, in fear of embarrassing myself, I lightly pushed his head back to my chest and tightened my hold on him, tangling our legs together in an effort to get closer. 

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