All Fun and Games

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I somehow found myself staring at a cute blonde chibi that weirdly reminded myself of me. I glanced over at Jungkook who looked unfazed as he shot me a grin. When he mentioned games, I presumed he meant playing Overwatch, not trying out all the new games that fans sent us to play during any free time we might have. 

Not that I was complaining. On the contrary, I was actually really excited. After all, I always had a soft spot for cute things. 

*Ready? GO!!!!*

Immediately our two chibi characters that looked almost exactly like us took off in their tiny, brightly painted vehicles. Jungkook's character rode in the motorcycle, the only "cool-looking" vehicle you could choose, while my character rode in the strawberry and bunny themed car.

In the end, I won after continuously setting off candy bombs in Jungkook's character's face. This continued, and after three more games, he still hadn't beaten me. Of course, he took the losses badly, being the incredibly competitive person he is. 

I was still snickering when he came back with a bowl of popcorn and two cokes. He pulled a face as he handed me a coke and settled himself down into the couch, hogging the popcorn bowl.

"Hyung, we need to have a rematch. We're not stopping until I win," he declared as he picked up the controller to change his vehicle.

"Sure, sure, our 'golden maknae,'" I joked. 

Jungkook raised an arm to punch me, and I instinctively cringed away. His punches hurt, a lot. But the punch never came, when realization dawned on him and he quickly cancelled whatever he was going to do. 

I looked down at my exposed shoulder and the big ugly bruise right on it, and quickly covered it by pulling up my hoodie. Awkwardness settled over us, and the only sound you could hear was the bright, Japanese music coming from the speakers. 

After three more games with the same results, I began to grow bored. 

"Jungkookieee~~ Let's play something else~" I complained as I leaned against his body, shoulder to shoulder, my cheek settling on the crook of his neck. 

Jungkook sighed and tossed the controller on the ground in frustration.

"Why are you so good at this?" he grumbled.

I grinned before playfully ruffling his hair and getting up to go through the other games the fans sent us all set up neatly on the shelves beside the TV. Most of them, I realized, were family-appropriate multiplayer games, and in the end I was contemplating between Happy Kitchen and MiniLand. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize Jungkook was behind me until it was too late.

"Let's play MiniLand," Jungkook murmured in a low voice. He stood behind me, so close that I could literally feel his breath on the back of my neck and all I could smell was Jungkook. It took all of my strength not to flinch away at the sudden closeness, but my heart couldn't help but skip a beat. I nearly choked on my own spit before I pulled myself together and chuckled, agreeing and getting away from Jungkook as quickly as possible. My cheeks were beginning to color slightly, so I took my coke and chugged it once Jungkook sat down beside me. Even though I had to suffer throat-burn, at least it cooled me down enough that Jungkook didn't notice. Well, it cooled me down enough so that Jungkook hopefully didn't notice. I glanced over at Jungkook who gave me a weird look. Hopefully.


V-hyung was acting weird. I noticed it right away starting from the moment I came up to him while he was choosing another game. I mean, he was taking a long time choosing and I seriously didn't want to play Happy Kitchen, so I had to do something. I didn't count on him being so startled when I whispered in his ear, but to be fair I hadn't counted on my heart to begin to race out of the blue either.

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