Listen, Don't Touch ~ Chapter 1

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YEEEEEAAH! THAT'S RIGHT BABY, FIRST CHAPTER OF LISTEN DON'T TOUCH! And, as promised, a completely plotless and pointless read! O YA! THE COVER IS MADE BY KADET4! I'm not having her edit this story because of how much she whines, so yeah, I made her do the cover.

BUT, if anyone ELSE wants to step up and make a BETTER one (I know you can!) Feel free to!

so yea....gosh imi tired. it's like 3 am here. anyway, READ ON AND SPREAD THE WORD ~ CITY

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <-- BEST wave EVA!!!!

"Andrew, did you clean the house?"

                  "Define 'clean'."


                  I swayed on the porch swing and stared at my feet. Mrs. Jansen was a really nice lady, and pleasant. She picked me up and took me for frozen yogurt.

                   I LOVE vanilla frozen yogurt! NOM NOM NOM.

                 I liked her already. I wonder how long I'd be here, and hoped, longer than the other homes. She always smiled, and said her husband was the exact same.

                  She didn't even look at me like I was different. I laughed a little and kicked the ground to swing the bench again. I love yogurt...

                  I listened from my quiet spot outside as Mrs. Jansen talked to her son. They were very loud, but you could easily tell they were joking.

                  "Why are you suddenly going on a cleaning spree? When have I ever needed to clean?"

                  "It was supposed to be a surprise." She said, less loudly.



                  I want a party! Holy potatoes that would be awesome. At least her son was a typical normal guy. She hadn't said anything about her son, other than the fact she raised him to be generous to everyone he meets, so I needn't worry.

                  "We...your father and I are going to be fostering someone for a while. Remember when we were thinking about adopting? We decided to foster this child before we consider anything else."

                  There was silence before the boy asked, "Foster kid?" Then, "How old?"

                  "Your age, a few months younger."

                  "Is she hot?"

                  "He, will be living with us for a while. Listen, I really need you to help him out. He's a little different. I know the kids around here, they like to stare. He'll be sleeping in the room next to yours. I picked him up this morning so please, be nice, show him around."

                  "He's here already?"

                  I couldn't determine whether he was annoyed or fine with the idea of a stranger moving in. I smiled and swung my feet. I was tall, but the porch swing was taller and my feet barely brushed the ground. It...annoyed the freaking urine out of me. A freaking swing was bigger than me! But the house was nice. A lot bigger than most houses I've gone to.

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