Listen, Don't Touch ~ Chapter 4

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WOAH! chapter four already?! i seriously have to pick up the pace! okay, this chapter is FREAKING SHORT! So I sincerely apalogize. but…HAH! rockturtle3! you wrote a short chap, SO I DID TOO!! im just a copycat like that :D

So…yeah. Vote please!!! and comment!! and gues what?! IM UBER EXCITED FOR WHEN THINGS START TO GET AWESOME IN THIS STORY! oh, and I have ANOTHER idea in mind! But idk if i should post it…



“Um…uh…the quantity of negative four?”



                  “No, we’re in English.”

                  “What kind of teacher raises their students hope then crushes it like the fat bulldog you are?!”

                  “Casey King, how dare you–”

                  “Don’t call me Casey! I swear I said, ‘Case only’ five times!”

                  “I’m glad you remember something about my lesson.”

                  MAH! Was he teasing me? Gosh! Teacher’s nowadays, so touchy. I sat back down in my seat and laid my pretty head back in my arms. How rude, waking me up just to insult me. And now it will take FOREVER, like, two minutes, for the class to return their attention. As much as I hated it, I seemed to be in the smack center. Grr, great, now I’m a hater! Noooo! I don’t want to be Logi–

                  “Casey, are you paying any–”


                  “Outside. Now.” Great, now the guy was sounding like Logan! Fine, I wasn’t paying attention anyway.

                  I pouted and went outside, not before noticing something interesting. MY TEACHERS NAME WAS MRS. ANNE! I MRS.! I THOUGHT IT WAS A GUY!

                  Huh, so you DO learn things at school…

                   “L-Lo–” A gasp followed the unfinished sentence.

                  …that sounded wrong. Ick. Gross. Ew. Was that a girl? I peered down the halls and looked for where the gasping was coming from. I swear, if there was a creepy pedo attacking one of the students, I would be the hero and run to find someone else to help! Yeah! Wait, let me do the math:

                  Me + Running = Energy

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