Hobbs goes to prison

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Doms point of view I got on the plane I just wanted this over i wanted to be back with my wife and baby. I got out of the car I walked through the opened doors. Emily's point of view I went through doms dash port I found the pictures of us how could he do this to us "I got his phone record y'all". Tej said. "It's a bunch of calls to untraceable numbers". Tej said.  "Bruner phone right". Roman said. "Nah scrambled faked number they got some sort of micro-router to bury the pattern Signals which means Dom is clearly communicating with someone that is above our pay grade". Tej said. I had tears in my eyes a couple ran down my cheeks I couldn't believe this not my husband this couldn't be "look I do not know Dom as well as you but Id we look at the facts doms been having highly encrypted conversation with some mysterious person he took out Hobbs he stole the EMP and he's disappeared". Ramsey said. "So what are saying?". Tej said. "Maybe we should consider the fact that Hobbs is right Dom went rogue". Ramsey said. I got out of the car slamming the door closed "Emily". Roman said. "Before you judge my husband remember your breathing now because he saved your life". I said. I walked away hitting her shoulder with mine in the process she can't say shit about my husband like that no one has the right. I walked up the stairs. Third person point of view they were bringing Hobbs to prison and then he saw mr. Nobody and some other kid "walk away fellas thank you". Mr. Nobody said. The guards walked away "well isn't this a exciting new look". Mr. Nobody said. "It's a little tight on the crotch as always what boyband bus did she fall off of". Hobbs said. "He's my new junior associate he's working on this with me all yours". Mr. Nobody said. He looked at the kid next to him "Mr. nobody and I have been given the authority to get you out of this all you have to do is agree to the terms and your free". The kid said. "Restraining wheels talking about what terms". Hobbs said. "Confess to your crimes in Berlin treason international espionage massive destruction of scenic property you do that we close the case". The kid said. "And?". Hobbs said. "And the DSS blacklist Germany loves that". Mr. Nobody said. "Officially your a criminal". The kid said. (I'm going to call him Steve) "whoa whoa whoa you need to work on your delivery alright unofficially your off the books come work for me". Mr. Nobody said. Hobbs looks over to Steve "I'm not a criminal". Hobbs said. "Luke come on labels". Mr. Nobody said. "Their is no confession their are no back room deals got myself into this I'm gonna get myself out of it you know that". Hobbs said. "As you and that's what I told them well their you have it good luck in the course man". Mr. Nobody said. "What about your daughters you know if your not going to do it for your country at least do it for your kids". Steve said. Mr. Nobody laughed knowing that Steve screwed up "big mistake kid". Mr. Nobody said. Hobbs tore the chains off and picking up Steve sideways and pinned him to the wall. The guards went to get him "hold on look look he's still running from the manual I mean he doesn't even really know the rules give him a break Luke". Mr. Nobody said. Hobbs let Steve go Steve fell to the ground "I appreciate that". Mr. Nobody said. "Good to see you old man". Hobbs said. "You to". Mr. Nobody said. Hobbs walked inside the prison Mr. Nobody looked at Steve on the ground "rule no. 1 know your audience I gave you your shot you shit the bag now I'm gonna show show you how to get this done". Mr. Nobody said. Doms point of view i walked in where the blonde bitch was a guy got in my way "move...". I said. "Say that again". The guy said. "If I say it again it will be to a corpse". I said.  "I'm going to enjoy this". The guy said. "Welcome back Dom nice job out their excited about tonight". The blonde lady said. "Doms in this". The guy said. The lady looked at him with a stare that could have killed anyone but it didn't scare me Emily had worse looks god I'm missed her I wonder how the baby was doing. "Your with me". The blonde lady said. She brought me over to a drawer of guns "showing me your shoe collection". I said. "Yep". She said. She then pulled out the drawer with more guns "a pair for every occasion". She said. "Theirs enough guns here to outfit a small army". I said. "Oh this is just the tip of the iceberg you know what I like about you Dom your a genuine outlaw I mean your a man that lives by his own rules which was surprising because when I saw you in Cuba i heard about a guy who almost killed you with a motorcycle and you let him keep his car". She said. "That confuses you". I said. "Oh". She said. "Of course I could have taken his car but it's about something bigger this way I changed them". I said. "That's not your responsibility". She said. "That's how I am". I said. "Is it let me ask you something Dom what's the best thing in your life". She said. My wife my kid that she's pregnant with my family I have a lot of things that are the best in my life "family". I said. "No it's not mind if your being honest it's the ten seconds between start and finish when your not thinking about anything no family obligations just you and being free". She said. I gotta tell you this whole thing in the world Robin Hood nonsense you've been doing recently it's bullshit it's not you be who you are why live only a quarter mile at a time when you can live your whole life that way". She said.

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