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Welcome all Martians!

Here we have the first of a dimensional series. There will be a feature for the big three (WitherMU, Skybrine, Enderlox), and each in it's own universe.

I have something special planned for a 4th book, just you wait.

*evil laughter*

But basically, each book will happen around the same time period, but to a different person, in a different universe. Skybrine is featured here, without any WitherMU or Enderlox. Enderlox will be featured next, without any Skybrine or WitherMU. WitherMU will be third, without any Skybrine or Enderlox.

And at the end I am going to try and tie it all together.

We'll see how this works out.

I will be updating (hopefully) every weekend, and I will notify you if anything changes there. Finals are coming up, yadda yadda.

These first few chapters will come in rapid succession, but then it'll slow down again. I like to take my time, to make sure my content is good.


Enjoy! Leave comments! There will be one or two OC's involved, and I will take submissions, but only after I send out the submission form.

Snickers out!

The Power of ONE (SkyBrine) []BEING REWRITTEN[]Where stories live. Discover now