Chapter Two - Harry Freakin' Styles!

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A/n: Btw sorry if the tense gets a bit messed up I'm not too good at sticking to a time frame. They tend to change during a sentence. So sorry :)


*****Haryy's POV*****

I had a dream last night, no not a dream a fantasy. About what Tommo69 would look like. I know weird right? All he did was leave a comment and his profile picture was too small to see any real detail. But from what I could see...

So it was based off of that I guess. But I'm sure he would be the definition of perfection! However I have a feeling he's quite reserved and not that outgoing. As this is the first time I've seen his name below a video, and I think I would defiantly remember his username.

Now that I come to think of it, my reply to his lovely message yesterday was rather cocky. With that thought in mind, I log on to my YouTube account, and head to my inbox, hoping I didn't delete the notification with Tommo69's message.

Phew! It's still here I thought to myself as I respond, for the second time.

This time I sit and think before I reply, re-reading Tommo69's comment over and over a couple times, to make sure I say the right thing.... "@Tommo69: Hey I just realised that my reply to you yesterday was cocky and a bit rude o_0 So I just wanted to apologise and say a proper thanks. It really does mean a lot to me that I am one of the things that makes you happy and make you smile, but I'm sure you have a lot of other things that do that too. Thank you again xx :) -H" Send!
- I sent this as a dm rather than a reply to his comment as that could cause drama with other viewers arguing that I didn't reply to them.

There much better. Everything that I just wrote was true, it does mean the world to me that I can sit in my room, talk to a camera about my somehow 'interesting' life, and improve someone's day!

*****Louis' POV*****




I wake up to the sound of my alarm, I reach out to garb my phone shutting off the alarm. 7am, time to get up for college. Urgh! Don't get me wrong I love the course I'm doing, it's just, it gets tiring, all the knowledge.

I live alone, as soon as I finished secondary school and six form, -coming out during my last few years of secondary school-
It was rough, people hated me started bullying me, first it was just names and words but the violence soon began. However my mum was very supportive as were my four younger sisters.
People from school who I thought were my friends turned on me. So when I started college in Manchester a year ago I asked my mum if she would help me buy a flat, so I could get away from my so called friends, and she agreed.

Best mum in the world. She really is.


I roll out of bed and walk to the bathroom grabbing my towel on the way. I hop into the warm water of the shower, fully waking myself up. I take about 20 minutes washing my body and my hair before hopping out and wrapping the towel around my waist letting it hang low on my hips. Trying my best not to look in the mirror that hung above the sink.

I grab some boxers from my dresser and a white & blue stripped top and some bright chinos from my wardrobe before walking back to the bathroom to dry and style my hair. I drop my towel into the laundry basket on the way back to my room , changing in the bathroom.

After my hair is done and my teeth are brushed, I check the time seeing I still have about an hour and a half till I have to leave for my first class. So I do what I always do when I have free time, which is practically all the time, I log onto YouTube and check my subscriptions.

Scrolling the page I notice a few of the people I'm subscribed to have new videos, but a red (2) by 'my inbox' catches my attention. It's probably just spam, but I click to check anyway. My jaw literately drops to the floor when I see who the messages are from. Harry Styles, the Harry Styles, as in Harry from ExtraordinHarry! (A/n I know the name shit and cheesy but couldn't think of anything else :L)

I click the oldest of the two notifications which is a reply to the comment I put on Harry's last video. Oh God! What if he was offended by what I said what if he thought I was been rude when I talked about his laugh! Oh no! All this ran though my head as I click to open the notification.

I start to read... "HarryStyles:@Tommo69: HEYYYYYYYYYY TOMMO69! love your name by the way, made me smile when I saw 69, my dirty mind ahah! And thank you, comments like yours make me happy and put a smile on MY face! Thanks for making my ego bigger as well ; ) and my laugh is not cute! ... It's sexy! :p xxxx"

WOW I was so shocked I couldn't move. Harry freakin' Styles just replied to my comment! I sat there staring at my screen freaking out, making sure to screen shot the reply, for proof and memory. I almost forgot about the the other notification that seemed to be a dm. What if he wrote to say that he didn't mean to reply to me and that he was just dared to reply. More negative thoughts swam around my head as I opened the message holding my breath expecting the worst.

After I finished reading through the message, seven times, making sure I wasn't imagining it, I sat for a good five minutes just trying to breath. He thought his other comment was cocky?! I didn't even notice, I guess this just shows how he really does mean what he says about how he appreciates his viewers.

One thing stood out the most though, the fact that he didn't believe that he was the only thing that makes me happy and gets me though the day. It was true! Without the advice he gives out in his videos, and his all around joyful aura, I probably would have resulted in some drastic measures to get rid of the pain and depression I feel from being so awkward and having social phobia/anxiety. But he was enough.

I checked the time again, I have just under an hour till I need to leave. So I decide, for what reason I don't know, with a glint of courage that I guess came from the buzz of having two replies from Harry, to reply, then I would head to college.

"@HarryStyles Hey umm. I don't know why I'm replying to your reply, like your gonna read this. But you really are the only thing in my life right now that gets me though the day. I mean having no friends and everyone that you knew hate you because of your sexuality... You're like the person I look to for advice, I listen to every word you speak. It's probably the only reason I'm still breathing.I don't know why I just told you all that but I feel like you wouldn't judge me o_0 Oh and thanks for the replies, maybe today at college won't be as bad. Thank you xx - Louis (Tommo69)

As soon as I hit the send button I regretted it. What if he thought I was pathetic and just seeking attention?!?! "Oh well there's nothing you can do about it now Louis!" I said to my self as I shut down my laptop, slipping on my vans and heading out the door, locking it behind me and heading off towards the campus.


A/n: Hope you enjoyed, not too set on where the story is gonna go but I hope its good ahaha. Any Updates will be quite slow and spaced apart as I have my GCSE exams at the moment and probably should be revising rather than doing this heheeh. Well Vote, Comment and that and I'll see you later!!!! Bye!! xoxoxoxoxox

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