Chapter Eleven - Strong

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*****Louis' POV*****
It's been about two weeks since Harry and I first hung out outside of his house , and kissed me on the cheek. I don't think I'll ever forget that day! Yeah it will always be here in your memory when he leaves you! My mind try's to tell me, it's only happened every so often, but it's enough to make me feel weary whenever I'm with Harry.

I've noticed that, even more so in this past week, that I need Harry. In my life, in my mind, in my dreams, always. He brightens every hour, even if I'm not near him! And that's dangerous but to be honest I don't care. There's something else as well, I think I'm in love with him! But I don't want to tell him because he won't feel the same. He'll just call me stupid for falling in love after a total of a mouth knowing him. But that's how I feel!

So, I've being trying to find a way I can tell him that, a) I won't chicken out, b)stutter so much that he won't be able to understand me and c) that he'll know I mean it! I've decided to write it in a song. I mean I wote one before with Zayn, how hard can it be the second time round?

##Three days later##

I finished writing the song yesterday, it was actually a lot easier than I thought! I've recorded the song in full to have on my laptop, but I'm hoping to record it for my weekly video at Harry's that way he'll know that I mean it. That's where I am now outside Harry's front door. Waiting for him to answer it. I told him this morning if he minded me coming round to record another song for my channel. And of course being Harry he agreed, he was however a little confused when I told him that I'd sing this one alone.

Any negative thoughts about how the song will be received disappear as the door opens in front of me, revealing the most amazing guy on the planet. "Hey!" Harry says sweetly. But before I can reply his hands find my waist and he pulls me in for a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. It's short but good!

As he pulls away a blush coats my cheeks. I smile shyly as our eyes meet. "Hey yourself!" I say slightly cheeky. I take a deep breath so I can re-arrange my thoughts. At Harry's smile he takes my hand and pulls me into the house and up the stairs to his room. I manage a quick 'hi' in reply to his mums from the kitchen, before were in his room and the door shut.

As I take in his room I see that he has already set up the equipment, which I normally help him with. I smile slightly again. As I come back from placing my laptop on the dest next to Harry's, I pick up his guitar.

"So Lou, we can start when you like!" He says cheerily as I sit on the stool in front of the camera, and look up to meet his eyes just behind I.

"N-now, we can do it n-now." Is my only slightly stuttered reply.

I'm getting good at not stuttering around him, it only happens around him when I'm nervous now. Which I think he notices when his eyes squint slightly, but they go back to normal almost instantly. "Okay, I'll count down from three and you can begin, okay." Harry replies smiling the whole time. I nod as he begins to start the countdown.

"Three." Deep breaths Louis, you can do this!

"Two." Well no turning back now!

"One." Here goes everything!

~~~~Louis Video~~~~
"H-hey," I start off with the intro stuttering almost the entire time. "S-so I...erm I w-wrote this s-song, just f-finished it y-ye-yesterday actually." I try a smile, but it feels more like a grimace. I take a deep breath and continue. "Th-this is h-how I've b-been f-feeling this p-past we-week, and yeah." I finish my intro looking behind the camera to see Harry's smiling face. He nods for me to go on.

I start strumming the guitar checking the strings and such. I look up one more time to Harry's eyes and start.

"My hands,
your hands
Tied up like two ships
Waves try to break it
I'd to anything to save it
Way is it so hard to say it?"
I sing the first verse looking down at the guitar as I strum but for the second verse I look to Harry again.
"My heart
Your heart
Sit tight like book ends
Pages between us
Written with no end
So many words were not saying,"
I look straight into Harry's eyes as I sing the last line of the verse.
"Don't wanna wait till its gone. You make me strong!"
As the chorus comes I make sure to put as much energy as I can to it so that, hopefully harry can see that what I'm singing is meant for him.
At the last chorus I make sure to slow it down and look straight into Harry's eyes, as nerve racking as it is.
"I'm sorry if I say 'I need you'
But I don't care I'm not scared of love
When I'm not with you I'm weaker
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong
That you make me strong?"
As I strum the last note I notice a tear stream down my cheek, I say a quick by to the camera and race for Harry's bathroom.
~~~End of Louis video~~~

Harry grabs my hand before I'm able to get to the bathroom door. "Lou? What's wrong?" Harry asks as he drags me to the bed. I don't reply as sobs start to escape my mouth. He rubs my back soothingly not saying anything yet. "Please Lou, tell me whats wrong." Harry asks again.

Instead of answering I grab for Harry's neck and smash my lips against his in a harsh kiss, using the adrenaline rush from performing. He doesn't respond just pushes me away slightly. This makes the sobs start again and I manage to choke out some words. "I'm so s-s-sorry! Y-you don't want me, you hate me now right?" Is what's comes out of my mouth. I try to pull out of his grasp but he doesn't let me.

"No, of course I want you. I -" He pauses to take a deep breath and I look back to his face. "I love you!" He spits the three words I was dying to say to him. I notice his cheeks start to turn red as I continue to stare, still not saying anything. "I mean I-"

"I love you too!" I manage to finally get out. His face lights up and I mirror it. He pulls me to him, our lips meeting in a mess of teeth and tongues. We both pull away and smile at each other again.

"That song, by the way," I talk first, pointing back towards the camera. "I kinda wrote it for you." A blush raises to my cheeks as I admit this.

"I make you strong?" Harry asks. I nod meekly, staring at the floor. He reaches his finger out under my chin and brings my eyes to meet his. "It's not wrong." Is all he says next.

"Wha-" is all I manage to get out before Harry cuts me off.

"The song, it's not wrong, if as you say, I make you strong. I'm honoured. Thank you." He smiles before continuing, " you make me strong too!" He says and then leans down to kiss me again.
A/n: finally a new chapter it's been way too long!! Had this idea for a while but didn't know how to write it so hope this is okay!! Vote comment and I'll see ya'lls next time. BYE!!!!XOXXOXOXOX

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