Chapter Three - Call Me? I'm Always Here!

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*****Harry's POV*****

I woke up this morning pretty early, trying to have my video for the week filmed before noon or at least think of a good enough idea.
I set up my filming equipment and sit on my bed, where I usually sit when I film. I sit with my camera in front of me on the tripod, looking at myself in the side viewer thing. I'm dressed in plain white t-shirt with skinny jeans on. My brown curly locks just laying in anyway they fall on my head, and I run my fingers through it to keep it out of my eyes while shaking them around occasionally.

Whilst trying to brainstorm ideas for a new video. I keep crossing out idea after idea because I don't feel like doing any of them at the moment. I have a search on Google for tag videos as I haven't done one recently. But none catch my eye.

I mean I normally just give out advice or rant about my feelings, but I'm in a okay mood, and don't really have much advice to give as nothing's really happened too much this week. "Think, think, think, there's gotta be something you can do..." I mutter to myself.

"What to do, what to do...?" I question my self out loud, again, if my mum were to hear me she'd think I'm insane, well more than she already does.

I sit for a while staring at my laptop screen, drumming my fingers on my knees. I scribble down a few ideas on a note pad, but I find them all too boring, maybe I'll save them for another time though.


The sound of an email coming through grabs my attention from my staring at nothing. I avert my eyes to my laptop screen to see that it's a Dm on YouTube. Since I can't think of anything to recorded right now, why not procrastinate by checking  social media? After logging into my account I go straight to my inbox. I click the top message in the box, "Re:Tommo69: Hey..."



I finish reading Louis message and I'm so angry that I want to punch something. Normally I'm not a violent person!
Then it hits me, now that I'm in not such of a good mood anymore, I know exactly what this weeks video should be about! I go through his message again selecting the details that really make me flip, but also focusing on the nice parts of it. Like how he looks at me as an inspiration.

Then I began writing out a plan for the video. A little script if you will.

It took me about half an hour to figure out how I wanted my feelings and thoughts to come across. I think I have it so it's not too insulting, but also makes sure that my point comes across.

~~~ExtraordinHarry's Video - People!!~~~

"Hey guys it's harry here!" I say with a smile on my face, may as well start of smiley.
"So today's video is more serious one and I'm going to do my best not to insult anyone!" I start with an apologetic but cheeky smile on my face.

"So here goes, so a couple of days ago I was messaging... a friend, and he was mentioning how he was unhappy. So me being the good friend I asked him what was up and ensuring him that there are many things in life to happy and to live for and not to dwell on the bad." I'm trying my hardest not to mention that Louis was in fact a viewer also leaving out his name.

"After this he told me that I'm his inspiration, that he looks up to me because the thinks I'm oh so confident and that I'm the only person in his life right now that he can rely on to keep him sane." I laugh without humour at the part where I said he thinks I'm confident, although I may look and act it, at times I can really be a coward.

"I questioned the reasons behind all this sudden outburst, he said he felt like I wouldn't judge him, and he's right! I also wondered what caused it all. He told me how ever science he's come out all his 'friends' jumped ship!." I grimace.

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