Chapter Ten - A Date? But Not A Date?!

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A/n: sorry it's been a while, I've been moving house the last couple weeks and had no internet, so I couldn't really update! But it's here now!

*****Harry's POV****
When I woke, I felt pressure against my chest, at first I was confused, but then the events of yesterday came to the forefront of my mind. Me, Louis, the kiss. Oh God what if he hates me know?! I guess I could ask him. Hmm, maybe later once I take him to my secret place.

I glance to my right, to check the time on my phone, 9:30am, time to get up I guess. I glance down to see Louis' cheek pressed up against my chest with his pouted lips slightly open, and soft breaths hitting my skin. I smile, at how peaceful he seems, and almost reconsider about waking him. Almost.

"Hey Lou?" He grunt a little in reply, so I try again. "Lou, wake up." I try again this time shaking him gently. Finally he opens his eyes, and they meet mine. I smile at him and he returns it before his face turns weary.

"I'm s-so so-sorry! I didn't m-mean to lean on you!" He jumps away from me like he's just been slapped in the face. My smile fades slightly. I realise as he stares at me, what he was apologising for.

"Oh no it's fine, I don't mind honestly!" Louis' expression changes to a more relaxed one, along with his posture. "You were quite warm actually, it was nice!" I slap my hand over my mouth as a blush rises to my cheeks, I can't believe I just said that out loud!

Louis lifts his head to look back into my eyes. It's almost as if he's searching them. Well whatever it was he seems to find it as he gives a slight smile. "Your blush is cute too." Was his reply. Which made me blush deeper! It shocked me to be honest, he sounds so confident! Well I'm glad he's starting to feel comfortable around me, he didn't even stutter!

I smile and nod in thanks, and shake my head to clear my thoughts. "Well, we better get dressed, c'mon!" I say as I make my way from under the covers, towards my closet.

"Huh?" Louis says from behind me, he must of forgotten the conversation last night. I continue searching through my closet for clothing for Louis to borrow that won't be too big on him. It takes a minute but I find something. As I turn I hold up a knitted jumper and throw it towards him along with a pair of underwear.

"I'm taking you somewhere, remember? And you can borrow those, and just wear the same trousers as I don't have anything that would fit you. Don't want you accidentally mooning people now do we?" I tell him with a grin as I turn to pull out an outfit for myself.

"Right." Is his only reply. I turn to him again to smile, before I make my way to the bathroom.

"You can change in here, I'll change in the bathroom." Louis nods, expression still of slight confusion, I chuckle as I turn to shut the door of the bathroom.

##On Way To Harry's 'Somewhere'##

Breakfast was okay, we had cereal and orange juice, neither of us wanting anything heavy.
Right now we're walking down the path in the park, there's this amazing waterfall, with a lake that I want to show Louis. I feel like he will appreciate the beauty. I also want to ask him something, though I'm afraid.
After our conversations yesterday, and the time we spent so close to each other. I've come to the conclusion that he is so much more beautiful than I first thought. And I want him in my life, more so than he is now. Of corse nothing major yet, I want to take him on dates and hopefully this will be the first of many!

*****Louis' POV*****
Last night was amazing, after the kiss Harry left on my cheek, my dreams where filled with him. I think I like him, more than a friend. But I know I'll never have him, I mean why would he won't someone as broken and ugly as me? I'm surprised he didn't say anything when he woke to find me asleep on his chest. He was comfy and I honestly don't know how we ended up in that position.

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