Ch-29 The Second Attack

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An Inkay and a Gourgesit were floating in front of team Rocket.

''Prepare for trouble''
''And we will make...

''Stop it already '' cried Serena

''No Serena '' said Ash . ''I am fine .''

''But how did the new twerp escape?''shouted Meowth.

''Well thanks to my pokemon ''

From the side the Incineroar and Decidueye came .

''What!'' cried the trio.
''I caught them in Alola . And now enough talk . Incineroar use Flamethrower and Deciduye use Leafage. ''

The attacks went and hit the pokemon and they crashed with Team Rocket.

''Now Pikachu use Thunderbolt''.

Pikachu's Thunderbolt hit its mark and the trio were sent blasting off.

''We are blasting off again '' cried the trio.

''So Serena where were we ?''
''You were telling me something''

''Yeah I was telling you how much I love you . After that incident I had been training hard as well as secretly visiting my friends .'' I saw all your performances . But you would have to keep a secret.''

''What secret Ash?''

'' You will not tell anyone that I am alive and no one should know that you know who I am . It is for your safety only. ''

''Okay Ash ''said Serena .

''Now I must go back to becoming Arlon. Good job Incineroar and Deciduye. Now return to your pokeballs . Hey what's up with you Lucario?''

'''Ash never scare me like that . I thought that I lost you . ''

''O Lucario . Remember that nothing would happen to me . Hey old buddy . Now Pikachu , Greninja you would have to stay with Serena until the semi finals end okay . So that no one suspects its me . ''

''Pi ka pi''
''Gren ninja''

''Okay guys got to go now ''

''Gey Ash ''Serena shouted . ''Wait a moment ''

''Yes Serena what is it?''

Serena quickly kissed him on the lips and Ash returned it .

''Just take care of yourself I mean Arlon''

''Yep I will ''
''Meet you today at dinner with the rest.''

''Okay good''

After some time

''Lucario why are you grinning ?''

''Oh it's nothing . When the girl kissed you I thought she was going to give you a couple more slaps . Well how did the last slaps feel like?''asked Lucario smiling mischieviously.

'' I think that it would feel just the way you will feel when you have training with Charizard today''

''Mercy ! Mercy!'' cried Lucario.

Then they both went to their room laughing merrily.

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