Ch-30 Arlon vs Alain Part 1

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''Alright now . Today I will be using Krokodile , Noivern, Floatzel, Incineroar, Deciduye  and Charizard. '' said Ash. ''Lucario what do you think of it?''

Lucario said ''Well it looks fine to me but you don't do anything reckless like you did yesterday.''

'''Sure won't '' said Ash grinning.

'' But Ash won't some of yours will suspect you if you used such an extraordinary Krokodile . ''

''I have got it all planned out . Krokodile come on out . ''

Krokodile came out and roared''Kroka diile''

''Krokodile today the opponent we are facing too has a Weavile . So please give me your glasses and I will return it after the battle''

Krokodile took off his glasses ''Kroka'' he said and gave his glasses to Ash .

''Alright let's go''

In the VIP's room the others were questioning where Serena went . '' Oh well I had just gone to Arlon to congratulate him on his battle. ''

''Just that or more'' said Dawn

'' What do you mean?''said Serena blushing

''Did you snog him''asked May

''No I did not '' said Serena turning deep red

'' What a little kid''said Iris.

But Gary and Gladion had their own doubt. They thought that Serena knew of Ash's identity. But they couldn't question her because if she didn't she would know about Ash.So they decided to wait for Ash's match to end and ask him straightaway.

''Well Arlon's match is with him who had defeated Ash 3 times . If only Arlon would win this. Please don't be reckless ''.

''Today we are going to have a battle between two famous personalities Alain the winner of the Kalos league who has defeated the hero Ash Ketchum and the Alola champion Arlon Gen ''announced Mikhael.

From the left side Alain entered the field and from the right side Arlon with his Lucario entered .

Crowd 1 ''Alain's so cool ''

Crowd 2 ''It will be an interesting battle to watch''

Crowd 3 ''Go Arlon ''

''Trainer's send out your
pokemons '' said Mikhael

''Tyranitar come on out''said Alain.

A sandstorm began.

Clermont said ''It's Tyranitar's ability- Sandsorm''

''Noivern I choose you''said

''Ready ? Battle begin'' said Mikhael

''Noivern use Boomburst''

''Tyranitar use Energy ball''

''Dodge and use Acrobatics''

''Noi noi''

''Tyra  ni''

''Tyranitar use Sandthrow ''

''Dodge by using quick attack . Let's end this and use full power Supersonic ''


''Tyranitar use Energy ball.


Noivern's supersonic hit Tyranitar before he could use Energy ball.

''Tyranitar no!''

''Tyranitar is unable to battle . Noivern's the winner''

''Well done Noivern''

'' Why does Arlon remind me of Ash '' Alain thought ''Anyway go Weavile''

'' I think that you should substitute your pokemon '' said Lucario.

'' I think you're right . Noivern return . Go Krokodile''

''Kroko dile''

''Weavile use Shadow ball''
'''Krokodile use dig''

The Shadow ball missed Krokodile narrowly.

'' Krokodile now hit Weavile''

Krokodile raised from the ground and hit Weavile on the jaw.

''Weavile now use Shadow Claw.''

''Krokodile use Crunch''

Both the pokemon crashed and took damage from the attack .

'' Now Krokodile Stone Edge ''

''Weavile dod...''

The stone edge hit Weavile and Weavile fainted.

''Weavile is unable to battle . Krokodile wins.''

''Good work Krokodile ''

Up in the VIP room Iris said '' That Krokodile looks familiar.''

Serena quickly said''All Krokodile look the same .
Now just think of the match''

'' Unfezant go ''

''Krokodile are you good to go ?''

''Kro ka ''said Krokodile
giving Ash thumbs up .

''Thats the spirit''

''Ash I don't like this idea. Unfezant has got a type advantage .'' said Lucario

''No prob buddy''said Ash

'' Unfezant use Aerial Ace''

''Krokodile use dig . ''

Unfezant flew over the ground.

'' Now use Crunch''

''Dodge and use Brave Bird''

''Krokodile catch'' Ash threw the glasses to Krokodile. 

Krokodile caught it and when Unfezant attacked him he used Crunch on it .But Krokodile took a lot of damage.

'' Kro ka''

''Krokodile is unable to battle. Unfezant wins''

''I told you it was a bad idea''said Lucario.

''Noivern come on out''

''Unfezant use Brave Bird ''

''Noivern catch it . ''

Noivern caught Unfezant by his wings.


''Now use Boomburst''

''Use Aerial  Ace to free yourself''

There was an explosion and sand flew up. None of them knew who was going to win

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