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It was getting late and Hermione was reading. Draco had been in their living room looking over the letters again. He suddenly got a great idea.

"Granger," he said running into the room,
"Yes?" She said putting her book down.
"Let's go to Hogsmeade." He said raising an eyebrow.

She sighed and got off her bed.
"Oh, come on isn't it a bit stuffy in here?" He followed her as she walked to the end of the room. She put on her coat.

"Let's go." She smiled.


Snow had come early this year. It must be a bad winter to come, and Hermione was freezing she absolutely hated winter. However she still found herself warm with Draco. They became close in the last few days. It was strange. I mean a period of their life they hated eachother. Leaving them to wonder...what changed?

The lamp lights were shining down on the snowy grounds. Hermione looked up to find big snowflakes falling slowly. She smiled and spun around.

Draco smirked at her but had confused eyebrows.
"I just missed Hogsmeade." She said laughing. He followed her to the welcome sign and she stopped looking at him.

"So why did you want to come here?"she asked curiously.
"I didn't think of that part...I just needed to get out." He said suddenly thinking of something. Slowly he bent down without her noticing and grabbed a snowball.

When she looked back a snowball went right for her face.
"Malfoy!" She squealed and grabbed a ball of snow and threw it at him. Somehow landing down his coat. He did a weird dance trying to get it out. She laughed for so long about this, she didn't notice that he was running towards her. Suddenly she was tackled.

Laughing exploded out of the two of them. She grabbed two handfuls of snow and put them in his hair.
"Not the hair" he said then laughed.

She smiled and realized he was still over top of her. She looked up at the sky to see one star shining brightly out of all of the clouds.

"See, the stars decide our fate." She smiled.

He wanted to kiss her. She was so kissable, but he couldn't. Rightfully so, you could hear yells from the field.

"Ron! Stop it!" Ginny yelled. Hermione and Draco both sat up. Draco stood.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" He screamed at Hermione.
"Having fun Ronald, you should try it."

He took her by the arms and stood her up.
"Hey, don't touch her mate," Draco stood between them.

"And what will you do about it?"
"What can they do about it Ron? They're somehow soulmates. Live with it!" Lavender screamed. Rons entire body relaxes. He backed away.

"I--sorry." Then he walked away. Hermione came up behind Draco. He could sense she was shivering.

"Mione?" Harry said. Hermione turned around physically shaking from the cold. Harry looked down.
"Sorry we haven't done anything." He looked up to see her nod and smile. Draco wrapped his arm around as they walked back to their room.


After Hermione took her shower, she still felt freezing.
"I-it's so c-cold!" She said getting under the covers.

"I've turned the heat up." He said looking at her as she got comfortable.

"I can't get warm!" She complained.
"Well...I mean body heat is a known factor to help other get warm," Hermione scrunched her face up in confusement.
"So if we merge the beds together...you could get warmer if we-"

"Fine!" She said grabbing her wand and merged the beds. Pushing herself close to Draco she felt warmer.

He wrapped his arm around her and she laid her head on his chest as she tried to get warm.

When Draco felt her breathing slow, he lifted the chill jinx off of her and relaxed in her embrace.

the stars decide our fate• DRAMIONEWhere stories live. Discover now