Chapter 8

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Harrys P.O.V

"Goodnight, Nurse Beauchamp," I spoke with a grin.

"Night soldier." Lianna waved.

I made my way down the street, the cool London air blowing through my short hair. The streets which earlier on bustled with chaos and laughter, were now still and quiet. 

I dawdled my way back to our quarters, rubbing lazily at my eyes, feelings of tiredness suddenly clouding my thoughts. Fergus sat at the front entrance, sipping a beer and leaning against the frame of the door.

"You're still up?" I mumbled, running a hand through the gel in my hair, forcing it to stand on its end.

"Aye, thought you might've gotten yourself into a bit of trouble or somethin'." Fergus spoke.

"Just helping out a friend," I spoke with a grin, remembering the hilarity of the situation with Lianna and Esma. Fergus tilted his head and cocked a brow as if waiting for me to continue speaking. "Lianna, needed a hand with something."

"That nurse?" Fergus asked and I nodded.

"She's a bonny lass." Fergus grinned as I walked up the stairs and past him, into the cabin. "You have a thing for her, yes?" 

I rolled my eyes like a child and ignored his question. "Goodnight Fergus." I grinned.


I stripped off my uniform till I lay in nothing but my briefs. Getting under the covers I couldn't help but feel thankful for Lianna. She'd been understanding and easy to talk to. I felt no shame or judgment when telling her of my past.

She was beautiful, she really was. I hadn't noticed it when we first met, being too caught up in the heat of the fight, but tonight... she looked incredible. The way her green dress hugged at her tall slender body. How carefree and cheery she looked when dancing as if no one else was watching. Lianna was warm and kind and unlike most I'd known, she was genuine.

I blinked until my eyes shut themselves, drifting into a deep sleep.


Thousands of soldiers made their way into the ship bound for France the next day. Still tired from last night's events, I rubbed at my eyes, Fergus and I took a seat in the closest carriage with a few familiar faces.

"And so, I had Lizzie on one side of me, and Tina on the other..." Pete boasted, sitting in the corner and grinning from ear to ear. "They get jealous of each other, start arguing about who I'm going to have first! Can you believe it!" He spoke proudly. The other lads starred at him, some in disbelief and others in curiosity.

"I believe your right-hand gets jealous of your left." I retorted with a smirk and the carriage roared in laughter.

Pete shook his head and furrowed his brows in annoyance, "Shut up styles." He nudged me playfully, slightly embarrassed.

It was only on the ship that we'd been informed of our location. "Uhh, listen up troops." Spoke a short and timid man entering our carriage, he was nervous and fumbled about like a small child. "This regiment will no longer be headed to Frances center but instead her north." He stuttered, leaning against our carriage door awkwardly. "We will be arriving at Le Havre port shorty, where you will be shown to your quarters."

"Why aren't we headed for France's center no more?" Pete asked.

"Are we not needed?" Michael questioned with curiosity.

"I-it's not that troops, you are needed at her borders in the north instead. We can't risk an invasion from the Germans coming in at the North." The short man informed before scurrying away.

The ship arrived and we made our way to the docks. There were several comments from the men as we exited the ship.

"France," I recognized the familiarity of the voice and turned around to see a smug-looking Angus. "Fucking disgusting." He spat. "Look at this boy, a French sailor...." Angus and three other men surrounded a petite looking French man minding his own business. "Bet he doesn't speak a word of English the fool." Angus chuckled and others followed.

"We're in France you fuckin' idiot, they dinna speak English but French, just for your information," Fergus responded as Angus turned towards him with squinted eyes and a cocked head.

We headed towards our quarters and settled in. Just as I felt myself drift off to sleep, Fergus woke me with a loud clap. "Up you get lad, this is our last day off for a while and I'm not gonna waste it with you lounging about."

I ran a hand across my dark hair before placing my uniforms peaked cap over it and heading out the door to explore Le Havre.

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